(a) the number of the existing companies/Central Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) granted mining lease/engaged in mining of iron ore and other minerals in the country, state, company, PSU and mineral-wise;

(b) whether these companies are following the mining law;

(c) if so, the details thereof; and

(d) if not, the corrective measures taken by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (d): A statement is laid on the Table of the House.

Statement referred to in reply to Lok Sabha Starred Question No. 448 for 27.4.2010 by Shri Asaduddin Owaisi and Shri Prabodh Panda regarding Mining Companies.

(a) A statement showing the number of private companies and Central Public Sector Undertakings engaged in mining of iron ore and other minerals (excluding fuel, atomic minerals and minor minerals) in the country State-wise is given in Annex-I. A statement showing minerals for which mining leases have been given State-wise is at Annex-II.

(b), (c) & (d) The Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) (MMDR) Act, 1957 is the law governing mining in the country and the Mineral Concession Rules (MCR), 1960 (Chapter IV) and the Mineral Conservation and Development Rules (MCDR), 1988 contain the provisions, to be followed by lessees relating to mining activities, in order to properly regulate the activity and to ensure mineral conservation and scientific mining. The leases executed between the lessee and the State Government also incorporate suitable provisions in this regard. The State Government through its Directorate of Mining and Geology enforces the provisions of the MCR and the conditions of the lease agreement, and in case of breach of covenants of the lease, may terminate the lease and forfeit the deposit and impose other penalties. The extent to which individual lessees/ companies follow the mining law is monitored at the State level and the Central Government does not maintain details except where the Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM) has the statutory role.
The Central Government, through the IBM, has a statutory role under the MCDR, 1988 and enforces the conditions in relation to mineral conservation and development. The IBM has the power to inspect mines, call for information and to suspend operation till deviations from approved Mining Plan are corrected. In case of breach, the IBM may launch prosecutions. The action taken by the IBM in this regard during 2009-10 is given in Annex-III.


State-wise number of Private companies, Central Public Sector Undertakings and State Public Sector Undertakings in Mining

State	Private companies	Central PSUs	State PSUs
Andhra Pradesh 287 4 2 Assam 2 1 1 Bihar 5 1 - Chhattisgarh 48 2 1 Goa 52 - - Gujarat 256 - 2 Haryana - 1 - Himachal Pradesh18 2 - Jammu & Kashmir 1 1 1 Jharkhand 80 2 2 Karnataka 162 4 3 Kerala 19 1 1 Madhya Pradesh 114 6 1 Maharashtra 64 2 1 Meghalaya 4 - 1 Orissa 102 5 2 Rajasthan 148 3 2 Sikkim - - 1 Tamil Nadu 56 2 4 Uttar Pradesh 10 1 1 Uttaranchal 27 2 - West Bengal 7 1 2 Total 1462 41 28


Statement showing minerals for which mining leases have been given State-wise

Mineral State
Apatite West Bengal Ball Clay Andhra Pradesh Gujarat Tamil Nadu Barytes Andhra Pradesh Bauxite Chhatisgarh Gujarat Karnataka Madhya Pradesh Orissa Chromite Karnataka Orissa Copper Concentrate Jharkhand Madhya Pradesh Rajasthan Sikkim Copper Ore Jharkhand Madhya Pradesh Rajasthan Sikkim Corundum Maharashtra Crude Mica Jharkhand Diamond Madhya Pradesh Diaspore Madhya Pradesh Dolomite Andhra Pradesh Chhatisgarh Jharkhand Karnataka Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Orissa Uttaranchal Dunite Karnataka Tamil Nadu Felspar Karnataka Tamil Nadu Fireclay Karnataka West Bengal Fluorite (Graded) Maharashtra Rajasthan Fluorite Conc.(A) Gujarat Fluorite Conc.(M) Gujarat Garnet Orissa Tamil Nadu Gold Ore Karnataka Gold Primary Karnataka Graphite Jharkhand Tamil Nadu Gypsum Jammu & Kashmir Rajasthan Iron Fines Chhatisgarh Jharkhand Karnataka Maharashtra Orissa Iron Lumps Chhatisgarh Jharkhand Karnataka Maharashtra Orissa Kyanite Jharkhand Maharashtra Laterite Andhra Pradesh Limeshell Kerala Limestone Andhra Pradesh Assam Chhatisgarh Gujarat Himachal Pradesh Jammu & Kashmir Jharkhand Karnataka Kerala Meghalalya Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Orissa Rajasthan Tamil Nadu Uttaranchal
Magnesite Karnataka Tamil Nadu Uttaranchal Manganese Ore Andhra Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Orissa Natural Kaolin Karnataka Kerala Phosphorite Madhya Pradesh Rajasthan Processed Kaolin Karnataka Kerala West Bengal Pyrophyllite Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Quartz Tamil Nadu Rock Salt Himachal Pradesh Sand (Others) Andhra Pradesh Maharashtra Shale Andhra Pradesh Silica Sand Maharashtra Tamil Nadu Uttar Pradesh Sillimanite Kerala Maharashtra Orissa Tamil Nadu Silver Karnataka Tin Chhatisgarh Tin Concentrate Chhatisgarh Tourmaline Maharashtra Vermiculite Tamil Nadu Waste/Scrap Mica Jharkhand

Annex -III

Statement showing action taken by IBM in compliance of provisions of MCDR, 1988.

Year No.of No.of No.of No.of No.of No.of No.of Compo- No. of Fine mines viol- viol- show viol- prose- prose- unding prose- received inspe- ations ations cause ations cution cution fees cution cted poin- rect- notices rect- cases cases rece- cases ted ified issued ified laun- compo- ived deci- out after ched unded ded issue of show cause notices
2009-10 2371 1896 790 404 276 42 17 Rs. 17 Rs.71,000 99,000