Question : Funds for Parks

Will the Minister of URBAN DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether the Government has allocated any funds for creation of parks and other entertainment infrastructure in the urban areas;
(b) if so, the details thereof and expenditure incurred during the last three years and the current year;
(c) whether the Union Government has signed any agreements or MoU with State Governments/Institutions/Trusts/ NGOs for the construction and maintenance of such parks and entertainment centres; and
(d) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a): The Govt. has launched the Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Tranformation (AMRUT) on 25.06.2015 for basic urban infrastructure developments in 500 Mission cities/towns. In the Mission, upto 2.5% of the total funds under the State Annual Action Plan can be used for developing parks with special provision for children, senior citizens and differently abled-friendly components.

(b): Under AMRUT, the Centre approves the State Annual Action Plans (SAAPs) submitted by the States. The Centre has approved the SAAP of 2015-16 & 2016-17 of all States/ UTs and also approved the 3rd and final SAAP of some States/UTs. The details of projects related to development of parks proposed by the States/UTs is as under:


(Rs. in Crore)
Project 2015-16 2016-17
Development of Parks 1st SAAP 2nd SAAP 3rd & final SAAP
No. of project Cost No. of project Cost No. of project Cost
636 447.68 644 557.26 249 346.88


(c)&(d): The Union Government has not signed any agreement or MoU with State Governments/Institutions/Trusts/NGOs for the construction and maintenance of such parks. However, the Mission Guidelines mandate the States implementing the park projects to establish a system for maintaining of parks, playgrounds and recreational areas relying on Public Private Partnership model.

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