(a) whether India is facing tough competition in Information Technology Sector from other nations;

(b) if so, the details thereof and the action contemplated by the Government in this regard;

(c) whether the Government has launched e-governance project to improve citizen services and stimulate economy ;

(d) if so, the salient features of the project;

(e) the steps taken by the Government to speed up implementation of e-govemance projects;and

(f) the success achieved in this regard so far ?

Answer given by the minister


(a) and (b): There is growing competition from other emerging countries like Philippines, Vietnam, Mexico and China in the Information Technology and Information Technology enabled Services (IT-ITeS) sector. However, the addressable market opportunities are also growing rapidly and despite competition, India`s share in the global off-shoring market of IT-ITeS has further increased to 55% in 2010 as compared to 51% share in 2009.

Government extends several incentives for Information Technology Sector in the country under the Software Technology Parks (STP) scheme. Section 10AA of the Income Tax Act provides for a deduction from the total income of hundred percent of profits and gains derived by a unit located in a Special Economic Zone (SEZ) from the export of articles or things or from services.

(c) to (f): Yes. The National e-Governance plan has been launched by the Government of India. The main features of National e-Governance Plan include setting up of core infrastructure in the form of:-

(i) State Wide Area Networks (SWAN) - which would connect all the State Headquarters up to the block level via District/Sub Divisional Headquarters in a vertical hierarchical tree with a minimum bandwidth capacity of 2 Mbps per link.

(ii) State Data Centers (SDC) - will enable the States to consolidate infrastructure, services and application to provide efficient electronic delivery of G2G, G2C and G2B services.

(iii) Common Service Centers (CSC) - scheme envisages establishing 100000+ CSCs across the country (-1 CSC per 6 villages) primarily in rural areas, and

(iv) 27 Mission Mode Projects (MMP) for delivery of services to citizens. Following are the Mission Mode Projects under NeGP:-

Central Mission	Integrated Mission	State Mission
Mode Projects	Mode Projects	Mode Projects

(1) MCA21 (1) CSC (1) Land Records (Pre-NeGP) (2) Pensions (2) e-Courts (2) Land Records Phase 2 & Registration (NLRMP) (3) Income Tax (3) EDI (4) (a) Passport (4) India Portal (3) Road Transport (b) Immigration, Visa (5) NSDG (4) Agriculture and Foreigners (6) e-Biz (5) Police (CCTNS) Registration & (7) e-Procurement (6) Treasuries Tracking (7) e-Municipality (5) Central Excise (8) e-District (6) Banking (9) Commercial Taxes (7) (a) National Population (10) Gram Panchayat Register (11) Employment Exchange (NPR)/MNIC (Pilot)

(b) UID (8) e-Office (Pilot) (9) Insurance

Projects under NeGP are implemented by the Central Government Ministries/Departments and State Governments. A programme management structure has been put in place to periodically review the progress of the e- Governance projects. As of 31st July, 2011 SWANs have been rolled out in 27 States/UTs, SDCs have been implemented in 14 States/UTs and 96,163 CSCs have been set up.