Question : Salt Pan Lands

(a) whether the Government is planning to develop salt pan lands in the Country specially in Thane, Mumbai city and Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR) to support the Central Government’s mission of ‘Housing for All by 2022’.

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether any consultant has been appointed to prepare the master plan for development of the salt pan land for ‘Housing for All’ initiative;

(d) if so, the details thereof;

(e) whether it is also a fact that Mumbai and MMR Region has approx 5,379 acres of salt pan lands and the major part is encroached; and

(f) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister

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(a) to (d): The salt commissioner’s office has 59,796 acres of salt pan land of which 8386 acre of land has been declared surplus vide this Department’s OM no. 04011/8/2012/2017-Salt dated 26.02.2017. Land not declared surplus is used for the purposes of salt production and requirements of the Salt Commissioner’s office. Land declared surplus is available for various public purposes including ‘Housing for all by 2022’ scheme.

No consultant has been appointed by DPIIT for the purpose. However, Government of Maharashtra entrusted Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA) the responsibility of preparing the master plan for future use of salt pan land in Mumbai city and Mumbai sub urban districts.

A Revised master plan of salt pan land in Mumbai was shared by Government of Maharashtra on 25.11.2019. This department vide DO letter dated 16.12.2019 requested Government of Maharashtra to submit revised master plan clearly indicating the details of 320.43 acres of developable salt pan land in Mumbai. No further communication has been received from Government of Maharashtra

(e) & (f): Yes Sir, Mumbai and MMR region has approx. 5379 acres of salt pan lands of which 498.478 acres is encroached.


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