Question : Relocation of Villages from Forest Areas

(a) the scheme formulated by the Government for the relocation and rehabilitation of villages from forest area for the development of Tiger Reserve Forest in the country;
(b) whether the Government has provided basic facilities like road transportation, water etc. to the people living in such villages and if so, the details thereof;
(c) whether the Government provides compensation to the villagers in case of attack by any wild animal and if so, the details thereof;
(d) whether the Government is formulating any scheme to do away with the provision of FIR against the villagers in case their animals stray into the Tiger Reserve Forest; and
(e) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b) The Government of India through the National Tiger Conservation Authority (Normative Standards for Tourism activities and Project Tiger) Guidelines, 2012 issued under section 38 O (1) (c) of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, has an incentivized voluntary village relocation programme which inter alia provides for community facilities like access roads, irrigation and drinking water. The details of the packages are as under:

Option I – Payment of the entire package amount (Rs. 10 lakhs per family) to the family in case the family opts so, without involving any rehabilitation and relocation process by the Forest Department.

Option II – Carrying out relocation and rehabilitation of village from protected area and tiger reserve by the Forest Department.

(i) In case of option I, a monitoring process involving the District Magistrate of concerned District would be ensured so that the villagers rehabilitate themselves with the package money provided to them. In this regard, a mechanism involving handholding, preferably by external agencies should also be ensured, while depositing a considerable portion of the amount in the name of the beneficiary in a nationalized bank for obtaining income through interest generated.

(ii) In case of option II, the following package (per family) is proposed, at the rate of Rs. 10 lakhs per family, namely:

(a) Agriculture land procurement
(2 hectare) and development : 35% of the total package
(b) Settlement of rights : 30% of the total package
(c) Homestead land and house construction : 20% of the total package
(d) Incentive : 5% of the total package
(e) Community facilities commuted by the family (access road, irrigation, drinking water, sanitation, electricity, tele-communication, community center, religious places of worship, burial and cremation ground) : 10% of the total package

The rehabilitation process is monitored and implemented by the following two Committees, namely:

State level Monitoring Committee consisting of:

Designation Status
Chief Secretary of the State Chairman
Secretaries of related departments Members
State Principal Chief Conservator of Forests Member
Non-official members of respective Tiger Conservation Foundation Members
Chief Wildlife Warden Member-Secretary

District level Implementing Committee for ensuring convergence of other sectors, consisting of:

Designation Status
District Collector Chairman
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Member
Representative officials from Public Works Department (PWD), Social Welfare, Tribal Department, Health Department, Agriculture Department, Education Department, Power and Irrigation Departments Members
Deputy Director of the tiger reserve or protected area Member Secretary

(c) The Government of India through the National Tiger Conservation Authority under the ongoing Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Project Tiger provides for compensation of Rs. 2 lakhs in case of loss of human life, while the compensation for serious injury is 30% of the amount of compensation on death, besides meeting the cost of treatment of minor injuries to people due to wildlife.

(d) & (e) There is no such dispensation.


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