Question : Inclusion of Languages in Eighth Schedule

(a) whether the Government has received requests from various States for inclusion of more languages in the eighth schedule of the Constitution;

(b) if so, the details thereof State and language-wise request including Chhatisgarhi, Sambalpuri/Kosali and Ho languages;

(c) whether there is no rule for inclusion of languages in the said schedule on account of which languages spoken in limited areas are included whereas the widely spoken languages are yet to be included;

(d) if so, the details thereof and the reaction of the Government in this regard;

(e) whether no rules are being framed even after frequent discussions held under calling attention and the rule 193 as well as the private Members'' Bills introduced in the House for inclusion of languages in such schedule; and

(f) if so, the details thereof along with the action taken to include more languages in such schedule and the time by which such languages are likely to be included?

Answer given by the minister



LS.US.Q.No.353 for 01.12.2015

(a) & (b): At present, there are demands for inclusion of 38 more languages including Chhattisgarhi, Sambalpuri/Kosali and Ho in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution. These are:

(1) Angika, (2) Banjara, (3) Bazika, (4) Bhojpuri, (5) Bhoti, (6) Bhotia, (7) Bundelkhandi, (8) Chhattisgarhi, (9) Dhatki, (10) English, (11) Garhwali (Pahari), (12) Gondi, (13) Gujjar/Gujjari (14) Ho, (15) Kachachhi, (16) Kamtapuri, (17) Karbi, (18) Khasi, (19) Kodava (Coorg), (20) KoK Barak, (21) Kumaoni (Pahari), (22) Kurukh, (23) Kurmali, (24) Lepcha, (25) Limbu, (26) Mizo (Lushai), (27) Magahi, (28) Mundari, (29) Nagpuri, (30) Nicobarese, (31) Pahari (Himachali), (32) Pali, (33) Rajasthani, (34) Sambalpuri/Kosali, (35) Shaurseni (Prakrit), (36) Siraiki, (37) Tenyidi and (38) Tulu.

(c) & (d): At present, there is no established set of objective criteria for inclusion of languages in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution.

(e) & (f): The criteria for inclusion of languages in the Eighth Schedule are being evolved in consultation with the concerned Ministries/Departments of the Government of India. The pending representations for inclusion of more languages in the Eighth Schedule could be considered only after a set of criteria are evolved and finally approved. As such, no time frame can be fixed.


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