Question : Requirement of Coal

(a) whether the Government has assessed total annual requirement of coal to run all the thermal power plants and meet the coal needs of other industries during the last three years and the current year and if so, the details thereof;

(b) the target fixed and achieved in the production of coal during each of the last three years and the current year, company-wise;

(c) the reasons for not achieving the targets during the said period; and

(d) whether the Government has formulated any action plan to increase the production of coal so as to meet the shortage of coal during the current Five Year Plan, and if so, the details thereof separately for domestic production and import of coal?

Answer given by the minister



(a)to(d):A statement is laid on the Table of the House.

Statement referred to in reply to parts (a) to (d) of Lok Sabha Starred Q.No. 167 for answer on 28.07.2016 asked by SHRI ASHOK MAHADEORAO NETE AND SHRI SHARAD TRIPATHI.

(a):Yes Madam. The totalannual assessed requirement of coal is as under:

(Figures in Million Tonnes (MT))
Sl. No. Sectors 2013-14

1. Coking Coal( Steel + Coke Oven) 51.83 55.46 77.00 56.62
2. Power (Utility) 504.00 551.60 604.00 598.73
3. Power (Captive) 47.00 50.00 69.00 91.11
4. Cement 24.41 26.12 38.00 34.37
5. Steel DRI 22.29 23.85 34.00 24.05
6. Others 80.00 80.00 88.00 80.00
7. Total Non-Coking 677.70 731.57 833.00 828.25
8. Total 729.53 787.03 910.00 884.87

Actual Coal supply/consumption during the years2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 are739.34 MT, 822.13 MT and 634.09 MT (provisional and excluding import) respectively.

(b)& (c):Subsidiary-wise raw coal production target and achievement of Coal India Limited& SCCL during each of the last three years and the current year are given below:

(Figures in Million Tonnes (MT))
Subsidiary 2016-17 (uptoJune, 2016) (Provisional) 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14
Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual
ECL 10.554 8.819 42.130 40.209 38.000 40.008 34.500 36.054
BCCL 9.599 8.901 35.850 35.861 34.000 34.514 32.500 32.614
CCL 12.750 12.909 60.600 61.324 55.000 55.652 53.500 50.022
NCL 20.500 20.452 78.100 80.224 77.000 72.484 72.200 68.639
WCL 9.599 8.336 45.100 44.815 44.000 41.147 44.000 39.729
SECL 34.212 32.095 137.000 137.934 131.000 128.275 124.300 124.261
MCL 35.066 34.092 150.000 137.901 127.000 121.379 120.000 110.439
NEC 0.145 0.041 1.220 0.486 1.000 0.779 1.000 0.664
CIL 132.425

SCCL 14.87 14.11 56.00 60.38 55.00 52.36 54.30 50.47

For the year 2013-14, against a target of 482 MT, only 462.422 MT was produced by CIL resulting in a shortfall of 20 MT. However, with the focus on increasing coal production since June 2014, against the original targetted increase of 25 MT from 482 MT to 507 MT in 2014-15, production of CIL actually increased by 32 MT.Further, increase of 44 MT in 2015-16 is highest ever addition to coal produced. These two years (2014-16) combined incremental production of 76 MT is higher than the combined incremental production of the entire 11th plan period.

This was possible by deploying measures as explained in part (d) of the answer.
(d):To enhance production and evacuation of coal, the following measures have been taken:
• CIL has prepared a road map to reach a coal production level of 1 billion Ton by the year 2019-20 for which mines /projects to produce 908.1 MT have already been identified.
• Works on three critical railway lines in the growing coalfields of Odisha, Jharkhand&Chattisgarh.
• Deployment of high capacity/ high productivity equipment in OC & UG mines of CIL.
• Increase in the production from existing mines by improving capacity utilisation through efficiency improvement and modernization.
• Implementation of on-going projects in a time bound manner.
• Enhancement of exploration capacity by induction of modern equipment and outsourcing.
• Expediting steps for obtaining EC/FC within the scheduled time frame.

At this juncture, there is no reported shortage of coal. As far as imports are concerned, coal is under Open General License and hence can be freely imported by the parties interested. However, keeping in view of enhanced domestic coal production, steps are being undertaken to substitute imported coal with domestic coal.

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