(a) whether the Government are aware of poor conditions and inadequate facilities in ESI hospitals in the country;

(b) if so, whether the Government propose to allocate adequate funds for modernisation of such hospitals;

(c) if so, the details thereof; and

(d) if not, the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister



(a) to (d): The provision of medical care under the ESI Scheme is being administered by the State governments/UT Administrations except in Delhi and NOIDA where it is being administered by the ESIC direct. However the Corporation sees to it that the insured persons do get proper medical care under the ESI Scheme. For this purpose the Corporation has prescribed norms/ guidelines with regard to staffing and equipping of ESI hospitals/dispensaries . The Corporation constructs hospitals/dispensaries at its own cost and also meets 7/8 of the expenditure incurred on ESI medical care. There have been sporadic complaints about non-availability of doctors, shortage of medicines, equipments, dressings etc. in ESI Hospitals. Such complaints as and when received are forwarded to the concerned State Government for taking remedial measures. In order to bring improvements in working of the ESI Hospitals/dispensaries, the ESIC has recently formulated an Action Plan and forwarded the same to the State Governments for implementation in consultation with the ESIC. The Action Plan includes, inter-alia, provision of modern equipments in hospitals, establishment of Regional trauma centres, establishment of super-speciality services, blood banks, cancer prevention centres, development of indigenous system of medicines, provision of necessary equipments in dispensaries etc. The ESI Corporation has already sanctioned an amount of Rs. 16.34 Crore to various State Governments for upgradation and modernisation of ESI hospitals/dispensaries. For improving resource position of the State governments in administration of ESI medical care the ceiling on expenditure on medical care has been enhanced from Rs.500/- per insured person per annum to Rs. 600/- per insured person per annum with effect from 1.4.1999.