(a) No, Madam. Most of the defence land is being utilized by the Armed Forces. Land
records are being maintained and updated.
(b) & (c): Certain representations/suggestions and complaints have been received by the
Government regarding improving the functioning of Directorate General of Defence Estates
(DGDE). Computerisation of land records has been speeded up to improve the functioning of DGDE.
(d) & (e): Controller General of Defence Accounts assigned Controller of Defence Accounts
(Internal Audit) to carry out a special performance audit to examine the existing land
acquisition system in order to identify bottlenecks that account for delay and to suggest
systemic measures to be taken to ensure that the Government does not end up incurring avoidable
expenditure on account of interest on belated period of decretal amounts. The study report has
been received. A number of recommendations have been made which inter alia mention that:
(i) Service Headquarters and other user agencies like Defence Research and Development
Organisation (DRDO), Ordnance Factories etc., may be authorized to deal directly with State
Government authorities without intermediation of Directorate General of Defence Estates for
acquisition of land, to expedite the land acquisition process. Elimination of the additional
layer of Directorate General of Defence Estates from defence land acquisition process shall
speed up the acquisition process and is expected to eliminate time and cost over-runs both
for land and infrastructure on this.
(ii) Keeping in view the very limited utility of the Directorate General of Defence Estates
organization, Ministry of Defence may like to order a comprehensive study for disbanding
this organization from most of the activities from defence land management in a phased manner.
The report is under examination.