(a) whether the Government has issued revised guidelines directing the States to constitute Vigilance and Monitoring Committee at district/State level to supervise, exercise vigilance and monitor the implementation of all programmes implemented by the Ministry of Rural Development;

(b) if so, the details thereof including composition of the committee and the progress made by the States in constituting the Committee as per the revised guidelines, State/UT-wise;

(c) whether the views of the Committee would be binding in the implementation of the schemes; and

(d) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a): Yes, Madam. After the constitution of XVI Lok Sabha, the Ministry of Rural Development has issued revised guidelines on 8th August, 2014 for reconstituting State and district level VMCs and nominated Chairman/Co-Chairmen for district level VMCs. The Members of Parliaments nominated as members for State level VMCs was also circulated on 19th September, 2014. VMCs will review various programmes of Ministry of Rural Development, Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation and Ministry of Power. The orders are avai- lable on the website of the Ministry ( under the link Schemes ? Monitoring & Evaluation ? Vigilance and Monitoring.

(b): The Ministry of Rural Development has nominated Member of Parliament(Lok Sabha) and Member of Parliament(Rajya Sabha) as members to the State level Vigilance and Monitoring Committee in all the States and Union Territory of Puducherry as per the provi- sions contained in the Guidelines for State level Vigilance and Monitoring Committees. The composition of the State level Vigilance and Monitoring Committee is at annexure.

(c) & (d): As per the revised guidelines, Officers’ in-charge of the line departments executing the programmes reviewed by VMC should assist the Committee in the discharge of its functions.

Follow up action on recommendations of the VMCs should be initiated within 30 days of the meeting.

The status of the irregularities pointed out during the previous VMC meeting should form an integral part of the check-list during review meetings with the States/districts.


State Level Vigilance and Monitoring Committees Composition

The State Level Vigilance & Monitoring Committees should have the following composition:

Chairperson: Chairperson of the Committee should normally be the Minister of Rural Development of the concerned State. However, if there is no Minister with such designation, the Minister responsible for implementation of majority of the programmes of the Ministry of Rural Development should be the Chairperson.

Any other Minister in-charge of the Departments of State Government responsible for implementation of various other programmes of the Ministry of Rural Development should be Co-Chairperson.

In the absence of elected Government in the State, senior most Member of Parliament (LS) in the Committee should be the Chairperson and next senior most Member of Parliament (LS) should be the Co-Chairperson. In case the Lok Sabha is dissolved the Member of Rajya Sabha nominated in the Committee should be Chairperson.

Member Secretary: The Secretary-in-charge of Rural Development programmes in the State/UT should be the Member Secretary of the Committee. In case more than one Secretary in the State is respon- sible for implementation of rural development schemes of the Ministry of Rural Development, the State Government may decide on who the Member Secretary of the State level Committee should be.

Members: The other Members of the Committee should be as under:

(i) One Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha) of every political party represented in the Lok Sabha from the State, and one independent MP (Lok Sabha), if any;

(ii) MPs (Rajya Sabha) elected from the State. The number of MPs (Rajya Sabha) in State Level VMCs should be limited to half of the number of MPs (Lok Sabha) in the Committee.

(iii) From a political party, the senior most elected member, on the basis of no. of terms, may be included as member. In case, there is a tie, the issue can be resolved on the basis of seniority as per age.

(iv) In States, where most of elected MPs are form a single political party, more than one MP from that party may be included proportionately, considering 1 MP for every 10 MPs of that particular party.

(v) The minimum number of MPs in the Committee should be 4 MPs (LS) and 1 MP (RS), subject to availability. The Ministry of Rural Deve- lopment, should nominate the MPs (both LS and RS) to the Committee.

(vi) Five MLAs to be nominated by the State Government out of which two should be from opposition parties.

(vii) The Secretaries/Heads of Departments of Rural Development, Finance, Public Works Department dealing with Rural Roads, Revenue, Planning, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Irrigation, PHE, Social Welfare, Cooperation, Forests and Fisheries and other related Departments.

(viii) Chief Post Master General of the Circle(s) in the State.

(vii) Director, Institutional Finance.

(viii) Managing Director/Head of SC/ST Development Corporation.

(ix) Managing Director /Head of Women’s Development Corporation.

(x) One representative of KVIC to be nominated by the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India.

(xi) Four Non-Official members to be nominated by the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India.

(xii) One representative each of two reputed NGOs/Voluntary Agencies to be nominated by the Ministry of Rural Development.

(xiii) Managing Director of the Convener Bank of State Level Bankers Committee (SLBC) as a special invitee

(xiv) One representative (Area Officer for the respective State/UT) of Ministry of Rural Development.

The Ministry of Rural Development have received meeting Notice from the States of Kerala, West Bengal and Uttarakhand regarding convening State level Vigilance and Monitoring Committee Meeting in the month of November and December, 2014.

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