Question : Integrated Child Development Services Scheme

(a) the salient features of the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) scheme including the budgetary allocation made and expenditure incurred thereon and physical targets achieved during the 12th Five Year Plan, year-wise;
(b) the factors hindering the effective implementation of scheme and the steps taken to address the issue;
(c) whether the Government proposes to privatize/outsource the work under the scheme and expand it to all the districts of the country including SCs/STs and naxal dominated districts and if so, the details thereof;
(d) whether there is any proposal to revise the unit costs of ICDS including Supplementing Nutrition Programme (SNP) and if so, the details and basis thereof; and
(e) the further measures taken by the Government to fill the gap in the scheme and ensure its effective implementation?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Ministry of Women and Child Development is administering the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme, a Centrally Sponsored Scheme. The scheme aims at holistic development of children below 6 years of age and pregnant women & lactating mothers by providing a package of six services comprising (i) Supplementary Nutrition; (ii) Pre-school Non-Formal Education; (iii) Nutrition and Health Education; (iv) Immunization; (v) Health check-up; and (vi) Referral Services.

The ICDS Scheme started in 1975 was universalized in 2008-09 preceded by rapid expansion in the years 2005-06 to 2008-09 so as to cover all habitations, including Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes and minority population, across the country with the approval of 7076 ICDS Projects and 14 lakh Anganwadi Centres. Against 7076 sanctioned Projects and 14 lakh sanctioned Anganwadi Centres, 7073 Projects and 13.49 lakh Anganwdi Centres are operational as on 31.03.2016. The services are currently being provided to 10.21 crore beneficiaries of which 8.29 crore are children under age of six years and 1.92 crore are pregnant women & lactating mothers. Pre-school education is provided to 3.50 crore children of 3-6 years (1.79 crore boys and 1.71 crore girls).
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Status of Budget Allocation and Expenditure under ICDS Scheme for 12th Five Year Plan is given below:
(Rupees in crores)
No Year Budget
Allocation (BE) Budget
Allocation (RE) Expenditure Percentage
w.r.t. RE
1 2012-13 15,850.00 15,850.00 15701.50 99.06%
2 2013-14 17,700.00 16,312.00 16,267.49 99.73%
3 2014-15 18,195.00 16561.60 16581.82 * 100.12%
4 2015-16 8335.77 15483.77 15438.93 99.71%
5 2016-17 14000.00 - 4198.68** 29.99%

* This includes saving from other schemes during the year.
** As on 30.6.2016

Physical Achievement under ICDS with regard to Target during each year of the 12th Plan is Annexed.

(b) The universalisation of ICDS Scheme has been a mixed blessing. While adding the number of Anganwadi Centres (AWCs) and taking them to the door steps of children, it concomitantly brought in its wake, huge challenges in terms of resources as well as challenges of management, delivery of services with quality and standards, financial management, space for AWCs, human resource, issues of convergence, low focus on under three year children, ECCE, Strengthening training and capacity building monitoring, etc. These have by and large been addressed in the restructuring and strengthening of ICDS in 2012.
(c) No, Madam.
(d) The Government has realised the need to upwardly revise Supplementary Nutrition Cost norm considering the fact that the last revision was made in 2012 and since then the prices of food and other components have increased.
(e) Convergence with various line Ministries/Departments is an integral part of ICDS. There has been effective convergence with Ministries of Health & Family Welfare, Rural Development, Panchayati Raj, Drinking Water & Sanitation, etc. The convergence is ensured through meetings, consultations, and by issuing joint guidelines. Recently joint guidelines have been issued by Ministry of Women & Child Development, Ministry of Rural Development and Ministry of Panchayati Raj for construction of 4 lakh AWCs across the country . The 5-tier monitoring & review mechanism developed by the Government has in-built convergence mechanism.


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