Question : Swachh Bharat Mission

Will the Minister of HOUSING AND URBAN AFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(a) whether the success of Swachh Bharat Mission is mainly dependent on strengthening the municipal system/bodies in the country;

(b) if so, the steps taken by the Government in this regard;

(c) whether the Government has also taken adequate steps for strengthening the infrastructure of municipal system;

(d) if so, the details thereof during the last three years; and

(e) the efforts being made to engage local municipal bodies in the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, especially with respect to waste management?

Answer given by the minister



(a): Yes Madam. Strengthening Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) by building their capacities is important for successful implementation and achievement of the targets under the Swachh Bharat Mission –Urban (SBM-U).

(b) to (d): Government have taken various steps for strengthening the infrastructure of municipal system, which includes the following :-

(i). Government has launched Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) on 25 June 2015 which provides 10% of annual budgetary allocation to be distributed to ULBs as reform incentives each year. So far Rs.1,240 Crore has been awarded as reform incentive to States/ Union Territories for implementation of reforms.

(ii). Under AMRUT, one of the reforms to be undertaken by ULBs is to issue Municipal Bonds (MBs) to raise funds. Government incentivizes on “first-come, first-serve” basis, up to ten ULBs (covered under AMRUT) during 2018-19 for issuing MBs @ Rs.13 Crore for every Rs.100 Crore worth of bonds. An ULB can avail incentive for issuing up to Rs.200 Crore worth of MBs. Municipal Corporations of Pune and Greater Hyderabad has raised Rs.200 Crore each, while Indore Municipal Corporation has raised Rs.139.90 Crore. So far Rs.70 Crore has been awarded for issuing MBs to these three Municipal Corporations.

(e): Measures taken by Government to engage local municipal bodies in Waste Management under the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, includes the following:

(i). Issue of advisories like “Waste to Wealth - A Compendium of Technologies for Processing of Waste”; “Advisory for Bulk Waste Generators- Compliance to SWM Rules”; “Swachh Neighborhood”; “Advisory on On-Site and Decentralized Composting of Municipal Organic Waste” and a “Compendium of Case Studies”.

(ii). Government also provide need-based handholding support to cities in preparation of Detailed Project Reports (DPRs), strengthening of Management Information System (MIS), etc.

(iii). Government has also launched “DPR Planning Tool”, an excel-based utility, to assist ULBs to select best technology for processing of their waste.

(iv). The ‘Swachh Survekshan’ launched by Government has encouraged a spirit of healthy competition between cities to compete for achieving better position in this survey of the cleanliness in cities.

(v). Government has launched a ‘star rating protocol for garbage free cities’ to motivate cities to achieve garbage free status.

(vi). Government is actively encouraging 100% door to door collection, segregation of waste at source, processing of wet waste into compost or bio-methanation, recycling of dry waste, use of combustible dry waste in Waste to Energy (WtE) or cement plants and transfer of balance inert to scientific landfills.


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