(a) the names of research centres and the projects under the Indian Council of Agricultural Research in Andhra Pradesh location-wise;

(b) the details of the funds allocated and expenditure incurred by the Government on each of them during each of the last three years, project-wise;

(c) the details of the achievements made by them during the above period; and

(d) the impact thereof on the Agricultural production in the State?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b) : Names of Research Centres and Projects under Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) in Andhra Pradesh and details of funds allocated and expenditure incurred by the Government on them are given in Annexe-I.

(c) & (d): Several varieties/hybrids have been identified/developed/released in different crops, notable are food crops (72), oils seeds (7), pulses (4), commercial crops (8) and Horticultural crops (33). In addition to that, several promising technologies have also been developed and the notables ones are given in annexe-II alongwith the impact of technologies thereof on the agricultural production in the State.



PLAN	(Rs. in lakhs)
SL. Name of the Location 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 No. Institute/Scheme Allo Expen Allo Expen Allo Expen Cation diture cation diture cation diture
1. NRC Sorghum Hyderabad 82.00 81.99 140.00 138.93 99.00 98.65
2. AICRP Sorghum Hyderabad 266.00 256.34 200.00 199.87 199.00 214.83
3. PD Rice Research Hyderabad 337.00 302.27 340.00 270.14 245.19 241.04
4. AICRP Rice Hyderabad 296.00 330.72 300.00 369.85 400.81 400.71
5. Central Tobacco Raja mundri 69.00 68.99 90.00 89.99 85.00 85.00 Research Institute
6. PD Oilseed Research Hyderabad 153.00 104.87 119.63 119.63 208.25 168.22
7. AICRP Oilseed Hyderabad 431.00 503.10 460.37 460.37 201.75 221.75
8. AICRP Linseed Hyderabad 100.00 110.00
9. AICRP Sesame&Niger Hyderabad 116.00 126.00
10. Network Economics Hyderabad 38.08 38.13 35.00 34.97 66.00 66.00
11. RC Oilpalm Pedavagi 140.00 139.99 105.00 104.21 80.00 79.74
12. Central Research Hyderabad 155.00 154.99 121.00 121.00 126.00 125.99 Institute for Dryland Agriculture
13. AICRP Agro Hyderabad 110.00 110.00 115.00 115.00 150.00 150.00 meterology
14. AICRP Dryland Hyderabad 340.00 339.99 339.00 339.00 410.00 410.00 Agriculture
15. PD Poultry Research Hyderabad 140.00 139.58 200.00 177.55 150.00 146.42
16. AICRP Poultry Hyderabad 134.00 124.98 130.00 130.00 150.00 150.06 Research
17. NAARM Hyderabad 77.00 71.52 160.00 137.69 133.00
18. NRC Meat Hyderabad 15.00 3.20 30.00
19. ZCU, Zone-V Hyderabad 50.10 38.74 40.90 34.08 41.20
20. NBPGR Regional Hyderabad 53.25 51.94 58.20 56.90 54.90 51.99
21. AICRP on Cropping Hyderabad 23.06 23.30 20.07 18.10 21.06 29.15 Systems Research
22. AICRP on Weed Hyderabad 6.83 7.08 5.37 2.00 6.23 6.24
23. AICRP on Dryland Hyderabad 19.91 12.61 19.49 12.04 15.03 15.03
24. AICRP on Salt Hyderabad 13.97 23.30 12.85 14.64 12.24 17.90 Affected Soils
25. AICRP on Long Term Hyderabad - - 3.00 3.00 2.80 2.80 Fertilizer Experiments
26. AICRP on Soil Hyderabad 13.64 13.64 14.96 14.96 10.39 10.39
27. AICRP on Soil Test Hyderabad 8.10 8.10 9.64 9.64 9.64 9.64 Crop Response
28. AICRP on Micro- Hyderabad 9.90 9.90 8.48 8.48 12.25 12.25 Secondary Nutrient
29. AICRP on Biological Hyderabad 3.87 3.87 2.33 2.33 1.88 1.88 Nitrogen Fixation

Krishi Vigyan Kendras
30. CTRI Kalava 25.07 25.07 34.20 34.20 31.37 31.37 cheria
31. CRIDA Ranga 17.50 17.50 34.60 34.60 29.55 29.55
32. Malyal Warangal 7.32 7.32 7.00 7.00 15.17 15.17
33. Nandyal Kurnool 5.75 5.75 8.23 8.23 16.77 16.77
34. UMDI West 5.20 5.20 11.20 11.20 24.39 24.39 Godavari
35 Krishi Vigyan Kendra Rasta 8.03 8.03 8.20 8.20 11.96 11.96 kuntabi 36 Krishi Vigyan Kendra Amadala 4.72 4.72 8.65 8.65 12.42 12.42 valsa
37 Krishi Vigyan Kendra Anantpur 7.10 7.10 7.10 7.10 13.03 13.03
38 Krishi Vigyan Kendra Gadipalli 24.12 24.12 30.40 30.40 34.05 34.05
39 Krishi Vigyan Kendra Vishakha 5.90 5.90 - - 12.34 12.34 patanam
40 Krishi Vigyan Kendra Jamikunda 15.68 15.68 15.10 15.10 19.15 19.15
41 Krishi Vigyan Kendra Guntur 16.09 16.09 18.33 18.33 24.45 24.45
42 Krishi Vigyan Kendra Kurnool 12.90 12.90 17.60 17.60 27.79 27.79
43 Krishi Vigyan Kendra Mahboob 10.35 10.35 8.60 8.60 5.67 5.67 nagar
44 Krishi Vigyan Kendra Medak 11.32 11.32 10.50 10.50 11.55 11.55
45 Krishi Vigyan Kendra Tirupati 18.35 18.35 14.30 14.30 11.82 11.82
46 Trainer`s Training Hyderabad 18.75 18.75 16.05 16.05 23.70 23.70 Centre, CRIDA
47 AICRP on Pig Tirupati 19.39 19.39 19.39 17.04 18.03 14.41
48 Germplasm and Data Guntur 44.13 45.31 36.54 40.89 47.32 47.32 Recording Units of Cattle
49 Network Project on Palamner 15.07 12.64 16.76 13.96 16.04 15.98 Sheep Improvement
50 Network Project on Hyderabad 8.00 6.80 8.25 6.65 - - Animal Genetic Resources
51 Network Project on Hyderabad 8.25 8.25 9.00 8.66 9.50 8.55 Agriculture Byproducts
52 AICRP on Foot and Hyderabad 4.00 4.00 5.60 5.60 7.60 7.60 Mouth Disease
53 AICRP on Animal Hyderabad 8.50 8.50 8.62 8.62 4.48 4.48 Diseases and Monitoring Surveillance
54 AICRP on Agricultural Hyderabad 10.17 - 11.88 - 12.00 - Drainage
55 AICRP on Farm Hyderabad 35.43 - 32.43 - 17.60 - Implements and Machinery
56 AICRP on Jaggery and Hyderabad 4.12 - 7.25 - 7.10 - Khandsari
57 AICRP on Post Harvest Hyderabad 10.90 2.16 8.08 3.48 1.15 - Technology
58 AICRP on Maize Hyderabad 36.10 36.10 20.75 20.75 24.45 24.45
59 AICRP on Maize Karimnagar 8.14 8.14 6.69 6.69 7.26 7.26
60 AICRP on Pearl Millet Anantapur 5.10 5.10 5.93 5.93 14.44 14.44
61 AICRP on Small Millet Nandyal 7.95 7.95 10.27 10.27 13.50 13.50
62 AICRP on Soybean Lam 4.47 4.47 4.89 4.89 4.94 4.94
63 AICRP on Groundnut Jagtial 3.67 3.67 3.75 3.75 7.98 7.98
64 AICRP on Groundnut Kadri 11.03 11.03 12.00 12.00 19.13 19.13
65 AICRP on Groundnut Palem 1.84 1.84 1.88 1.88 Closed Closed
66 AICRP on MULLARP Lam 17.61 17.61 21.02 21.02 31.76 31.76
67 AICRP on Pigeonpea Warrangal 10.91 10.91 12.75 12.75 18.53 18.53
68 AICRP on Tobacco Nandyal 5.64 4.89 6.09 5.34 11.63 6.21
69 AICRP on Sugarcane Anakapalle 7.23 6.94 10.27 8.16 18.15 13.12
70 AICRP on Jute and Amadala 11.93 11.93 13.98 13.98 39.82 23.03 Allied Fibres valas
71 AICRP on Cotton Guntur 12.07 12.07 12.38 12.38 32.90 32.90
72 AICRP on Cotton Nandyal 5.70 5.70 5.62 5.62 14.87 14.87
73 National Seed Project Hyderabad 17.92 24.09 47.75 34.96 44.15 61.10
74 Breed Seed Production Hyderabad 10.39 10.39 10.39 10.39 10.39 6.40
75 AICRP on Rodent Hyderabad 3.25 3.68 3.25 3.04 17.00 6.52 Control
76 AICRP on Honey Bee Hyderabad 3.37 3.40 3.99 5.51 12.28 8.34
77 AICRP on Biological Hyderabad 5.33 2.98 6.36 5.43 6.14 4.80 Control
78 AICRP on Pesticide Hyderabad 4.63 3.63 3.63 3.67 9.37 12.12
79 Sugarcane Breeding Kovvuru 8.29 8.29 7.99 7.99 4.89 4.89 Institute


NON-PLAN (Rs. in lakhs)
S. Name of the Location 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 No. Institute/Scheme Allo Expen Allo Expen Allo Expen Cation diture cation diture cation diture
1. NRC Sorghum Hyderabad 294.97 288.72 228.10 227.95 282.46 271.80

2. AICRP Sorghum Hyderabad

3. PD Rice Research Hyderabad 343.00 307.99 322.00 322.00 333.00 320.60

4. AICRP Rice Hyderabad

5. Central Tobacco Rajamundri 750.00 749.98 760.60 765.56 805.00 807.66 Research Institute 6. PD Oilseed Research Hyderabad 270.50 270.49 249.00 248.99 270.00 269.61

7 AICRP Linseed Hyderabad

8. AICRP Sesame & Niger Hyderabad

9. Network Economics Hyderabad 10.NRC Oilpalm Pedayagi 39.00 38.99 121.50 104.48 137.00 136.86 11.Central Research Hyderabad 428.40 425.79 434.75 430.69 499.00 478.25 Institute for Dryland Agriculture
12.AICRP Agro meterology Hyderabad 10.00 11.09 13.AICRP Dryland Hyderabad 15.00 6.57 Agriculture 14.PD Poultry Research Hyderabad 91.00 87.70 119.50 115.40 143.00 136.43 15.AICRP Poultry Hyderabad Research 16. AICRP Cattle Hyderabad 17. NAARM Hyderabad 352.00 311.24 305.00 303.77 369.00 335.09 18. NRC Meat Hyderabad 19. ZCU, Zone-V Hyderabad



- In sugarcane 19 promising clones have been identified for juice quality.

- As curing contributes to about 30 per cent of the cost of cultivation of FCV tobacco, concerted efforts were made to save fuel by insulating the roof, ventilators and doors of the barn with strawmit and external plastering of the roof with cement, thermocole mixture. This technology has resulted in saving of curing cost by about 25 to 30 per cent. Package of practices including control of pests and diseases have been developed for different crops.

- A triple harvesting technique was developed for dual purpose maize wherein the green fodder, semi dry fodder and cobs are harvested sequentially without affecting the seed yield.

- A strategy for in suit incorporation of N rich biomass was developed by growing horsegram using post monsoon rainfall, with a saving of 20 kg N for the subsequent crop.

- P - solublising bacterial strain Pseudomonas fluorescence was isolated and protocol was standardized for its mass production.

- Drill plough and CRIDA groundnut planter were patented.

- Prototypes of groundnut stripper and tractor mounted, air assisted orchard sprayer was developed.

- Elite clones of tamarind, jamun and custard apple were isolated from Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka.

- Around 500 trainees, subject matter specialists and senior extension personnel were trained in over 50 training courses held at Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad.

- Over 4000 farmers, farm women and rural youth were trained in rainfed agricultural technology.

- Around 650 farm implements costing over Rs. 6.40 lakhs were sold to farmers.

- A technology for fertilizer recommendations based on soil test for obtaining yield of major crops like rice, maize, groundnut, sunflower, sugarcane, chili and a ready reckoner has been prepared.

- Drought tolerant strains of Rhizobia for different pulse and oilseed crops have been isolated.

- Bullock drawn ferti-seed planter for oilseed (castor, groundnut and sunflower) and other dryland crops resulted in saving in cost of approx. Rs. 100/ha as compared to conventional method.

- A sunflower thresher with 5 hp electric motor, having an output capacity of approx. 150 kg/h has been developed and is being commercially manufactured.

- Power operated groundnut pod stripper reduced cost of stripping by half as compared to manual traditional methods and resulted in 99 per cent stripping efficiency and there was no damage to the pods.

- The adoption of sub surface system of drainage resulted in reduction of soil electric conductivity.

- There was substantial increase in the crop yields - Rice 14-30 per cent, Sugarcane 65 per cent and Betelvine 20-30 per cent due to adoption of sub surface system.

- Under the mariculture activities, the technologies for onshore pearl oyster farming and pearl production as well as the tissue culture of seaweeds have been perfected for commercialization. Consultancy on onshore pearl culture technology has been given to a number of enterprises.

- The post harvest technologies developed by Central Institute of Fisheries Technology has resulted in increase in the export of fish and fishery products.

- Crossbred pigs produced have been found to be superior in back fat thickness and in lean cuts over indigenous pigs, have higher feed conversion efficiency and were heavier at contemporary ages than that of indigenous pigs.

- Different kinds of complete feed were formulated and developed utilizing locally available crop residues. The impact of research has resulted in reduction in the cost of milk, meat and eggs and due to the balanced diet also there is increase in the production of milk and egg.

- The epidemiology of Foot and Mouth Disease has been determined.

- The Council has 16 Krishi Vigyan Kendras and one Trainer`s Training Centre in Andhra Pradesh. During the year 2000-01, the Krishi Vigyan Kendras have organized 1147 training programmes for the benefit of 26556 farmers including farm women, rural youths and extension functionaries.