(a) to (e): A Statement is laid on the Table of the House.
Statement referred to in reply to Part (a) to (e) of Lok Sabha Starred Question No.425 by Shri Uttam Kumar Reddy Nalamada, Shrimati Angadi Mangal Suresh to be answered on 01.04.2022 regarding “Facilities at Anganwadi Centres”
(a) As on 30.06.2021, State/UT-wise number of Anganwadi Centres alongwith the number of children enrolled in these centres is at Annexure-I.
(b) With respect to honorarium of Anganwadi Workers (AWWs) and Anganwadi Helpers (AWHs), Government of India w.e.f. 01.10.2018 has enhanced the honorarium of AWWs at main-AWCs from ?3,000/- to? 4,500/- per month; AWWs at mini-AWCs from ?2,250/- to ?3,500/- per month; AWHs from ?1,500/- to ?2,250/- per month; and introduced performance linked incentive of ?250/- per month to AWHs. Further, modified guidelines have been issued for performance linked incentive @ ? 500/- per month to Anganwadi Workers w.e.f. 01.04.2021. In addition, States/UTs are also paying additional monetary incentives/honorarium to these functionaries from their own resources.
(c) State/UT-wise number of AWCs having pucca buildings, tapped water supply and toilets is at Annexure-II.
(d) The Government of India allocates food-grains i.e. Wheat/Fortified Rice/Millets to State Governments/UT Administrations at subsidized rates under NFSA for preparation of supplementary food under Anganwadi Services. The recipe for the beneficiaries under Supplementary Nutrition is according to the local food habits and food items easily available in the State/UT.
(e) Food grains are allocated to State Governments/UT Administrations as per nutritional standards mentioned in Schedule II of National Food Security Act, 2013, which are as follows:
S.No. Category Type of Meal Calories Protein
i. Children (6 Months to 3 Years) Take Home Ration 500 12-15
ii. Children (3 to 6 Years) Morning Snack and Hot Cooked Meal 500 12-15
iii. Children (6 Months to 6 Years) who are malnourished Take Home Ration 800 20-25
iv. Pregnant women and Lactating mothers Take Home Ration 600 18-20
To ensure that good quality food is supplied to State Governments/UT Administrations, the Government of India has issued streamlining guidelines dated 13.01.2021 on quality assurance, roles and responsibilities of duty holders, procedure for procurement, integrating AYUSH concepts and data management and monitoring through ‘Poshan Tracker’ for transparency, efficiency and accountability in delivery of Supplementary Nutrition. Under this, State Governments/UT Administrations shall ensure that the quality of Supplementary Nutrition being provided is with reference to the norms of food safety as well as nutrient composition. Supplementary Nutrition must conform to prescribed standards laid down under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 and regulations made there-under to ensure consistent quality and nutritive value per serving.
Take-Home Ration (not raw ration), shall be tested from FSSAI owned/registered/empanelled/NABL accredited laboratory. Random testing must be conducted by Anganwadi Services functionaries after receipt of stock at the AWC or at the Block level. Anganwadi Services functionaries i.e. CDPO or Supervisor shall draw the samples, as per the prescribed procedure and send the sample for testing to a FSSAI owned/registered/empanelled/NABL accredited laboratory.
ln case of Hot Cooked Meal, it should be ensured that it is prepared in proper kitchen sheds having adequate sanitation and safe drinking water so as to maintain hygienic conditions.
State/UT wise allocation of foodgrains for the FY 2021-22 is at Annexure-III.
Annexure referred in reply to Part (a) of Lok Sabha Starred Question No.425 for answer on 01.04.2022 regarding “Facilities at Anganwadi Centres” indicating State/UT-wise number of Anganwadi Centres (AWCs) and children enrolled in these centres as on 30.06.2021
S. No State/UTs No. of Anganwadi Centres Total SNP beneficiaries Children
(6 months - 6 years) Total PSE beneficiaries Children
(3 years- 6 years)
Sanctioned Operational
1 Andhra Pradesh 55607 55607 2670523 85005
2 Arunachal Pradesh 6225 6225 162040 87120
3 Assam 62153 61715 3032281 1617562
4 Bihar 115009 112094 7954137 3722042
5 Chhatisgarh 52474 51586 2167832 1104817
6 Goa@ 1262 1262 58786 0
7 Gujarat 53029 53029 3491999 1617467
8 Haryana 25962 25962 1104102 430768
9 Himachal Pradesh 18925 18925 395586 35919
10 Jharkhand 38432 38432 1322676 602274
11 Karnataka 65911 65911 4073309 637111
12 Kerala 33318 33115 1138541 503352
13 Madhya Pradesh 97135 97135 5010369 726594
14 Maharashtra 110486 109832 6723371 2421736
15 Manipur@ 11510 11510 337890 0
16 Meghalaya 5896 5896 437993 222012
17 Mizoram 2244 2244 99646 21890
18 Nagaland 3980 3980 365646 178939
19 Odisha 74154 73172 3211253 1549932
20 Punjab 27314 27304 887635 285497
21 Rajasthan 62010 61625 3440482 1340612
22 Sikkim@ 1308 1308 19953 0
23 Tamil Nadu 54439 54439 2691208 762496
24 Telangana 35700 35580 1739592 697173
25 Tripura 10145 9911 325855 173494
26 Uttar Pradesh 190145 189309 11582963 753734
27 Uttrakhand 20067 20048 720624 263661
28 West Bengal @ * 119481 119481 7200814 0
29 A & N Islands 720 719 17217 7056
30 Chandigarh 450 450 50937 26233
31 Dadra & N Haveli and Daman & Diu 409 405 30507 15005
32 Delhi 10897 10755 641073 144233
33 Jammu & Kashmir@ 30765 28078 528934 0
34 Ladakh 1173 1140 18250 3263
35 Lakshadweep 107 71 4230 1381
36 Puducherry 855 855 32771 5257
Total 1399697 1389110 73691025 20043635
@ Due to COVID-19 AWCs could not run Pre-school Education
* Available data as on 31 March, 2021
Annexure referred in reply to Part (b) of Lok Sabha Starred Question No.425 for answer on 01.04.2022 regarding “Facilities at Anganwadi Centres” indicating State/UT-wise number of Anganwadi Centres (AWCs) having pucca buildings, tapped water supply and toilets
S. No. State/UT AWCs having Pucca Building AWCs having Tap Drinking Water /Piped Water Supply AWCs with toilet facility
1 Andhra Pradesh 55405 42604 40876
2 Arunachal Pradesh 0 262 458
3 Assam 61471 0 38896
4 Bihar 84503 0 111468
5 Chhattisgarh 45621 2710 47435
6 Goa 1259 875 1262
7 Gujarat 53027 52070 51465
8 Haryana 25962 25662 23349
9 Himachal Pradesh 17137 16751 18770
10 Jharkhand 31377 3584 25547
11 Karnataka 56519 58597 52393
12 Kerala 33075 14835 32762
13 Madhya Pradesh 91982 8608 94018
14 Maharashtra 99702 62119 56336
15 Manipur 1474 1847 5017
16 Meghalaya 5711 1969 5587
17 Mizoram 2244 753 2055
18 Nagaland 284 150 1654
19 Odisha 73172 5658 32728
20 Punjab 27304 27231 24768
21 Rajasthan 61625 48784 32527
22 Sikkim 1308 851 1306
23 Tamil Nadu 43664 39453 46540
24 Telangana 29522 23070 17508
25 Tripura 9911 3245 8272
26 Uttar Pradesh 188982 34715 176091
27 Uttrakhand 20020 16649 16454
28 West Bengal 97541 NR 98597
29 A & N Islands 652 662 673
30 Chandigarh 450 450 450
31 Dadra & N Haveli & Daman and Diu 351 405 405
32 Delhi 10740 8585 10754
33 Jammu & Kashmir 22280 25310 23482
34 Ladakh 474 395 1089
35 Lakshadweep 71 71 71
36 Puducherry 855 765 780
TOTAL 1255675 529695 1101843
NR-Not reported
Annexure referred in reply to Part (b) of Lok Sabha Starred Question No.425 for answer on 01.04.2022 regarding “Facilities at Anganwadi Centres” indicating State/UT-wise food grain allocation under Anganwadi Services Scheme
(in MTs)
Sl. No. State/UT Total Allocation for the FY 2021-22
Wheat Rice Fortified Rice Bajra
1 A&N Island 0 103 301 0
2 Andhra Pradesh 25228 10749 32247 0
3 Arunachal Pradesh 0 0 0 0
4 Assam 0 22549 42832 0
5 Bihar 0 5040 51169 0
6 Chandigarh 0 0 0 0
7 Chhattisgarh 32920 3588 10414 0
8 Dadra & Nagar Haveli & Daman & Diu 434 98 429 0
9 Delhi 0 0 0 0
10 Goa 44 766 710 0
11 Gujarat 83309 3737 0 0
12 Haryana 26479 2252 7031 1980
13 Himachal Pradesh 8093 2043 1920 0
14 Jammu & Kashmir 0 5149 12275 0
15 Jharkhand 13602 28690 27692 0
16 Karnataka 15782 24234 71622 0
17 Kerala 13220 2003 6009 0
18 Ladakh 0 62 172 0
19 Lakshadweep 0 10 0 0
20 Madhya Pradesh 117506 22777 19980 0
21 Maharashtra 142665 10097 30921 0
22 Manipur 0 6501 5882 0
23 Meghalaya 4168 3098 8710 0
24 Mizoram 754 263 759 0
25 Nagaland 0 3633 8401 0
26 Odisha 54726 20908 20907 0
27 Pudducherry 0 0 240 0
28 Punjab 17648 1823 5469 0
29 Rajasthan 71470 18756 52668 0
30 Sikkim 426 0 56 0
31 Tamil Nadu 53840 6929 20787 0
32 Telangana 19156 6545 19635 0
33 Tripura 0 2711 7973 0
34 Uttar Pradesh 240124 55461 166383 0
35 Uttarakhand 11334 0 0 0
36 West Bengal 0 62314 98368 0
Total 952928 332889 731962 1980
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