Question : Mega Food Parks

(a) whether the Government is implementing a number of centrally sponsored schemes for the promotion and development of food processing sector in the country since the 12th Five Year Plan and if so, the details thereof and the achievements made thereunder during the last three years and the current year, State/UT-wise;

(b) whether a number of schemes out of them have been stopped and if so, the reasons therefor;

(c) whether the Government has assessed the socio-economic impact of Mega Food Parks and Cold Chain Projects and if so, the details thereof along with the employment created and benefits accrued to the farmers therefrom;

(d) whether the Government has taken any steps to simplify the norms for approval of mega food park, integrated cold chain and value addition infrastructure in the country and if so, the details thereof and the action taken to fill up the vacant slots of Mega Food Parks and Cold Chain projects; and

(e) whether the Government has formulated a new Integrated National Food Processing Policy to reduce large scale wastage of perishable fruits and vegetables in the country including Gujarat and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister

(a) &(b): Yes, Madam. During 12th plan, the Ministry had launched a Centrally Sponsored Scheme -National Mission on Food Processing (NMFP) for implementation through States/UTs. The schemes for (i) Technology Up-gradation / Setting up / Modernization of Food Processing Industries (ii) Cold Chain, Value Addition and Preservation Infrastructure for Non-Horticulture Products (iii) Setting up/ Modernization/ Expansion of Abattoirs (iv) Human Resource Development (v) Promotional Activities (vi) Creating Primary Processing Centres / Collection Centres in Rural Areas (vii) Modernization of Meat Shops (viii) Reefer Vehicles and (ix) Food Parks (old scheme) were incorporated in the NMFP. The

NMFP has since been delinked from Central Government support with effect from 01.04.2015 (except for UTs, upto 31.03.2016) in view of the increased resources to States/ UTs resulting from the recommendations of 14th Finance Commission. The funds released to States/ UTs for implementation of NMFP are given in Annexure I.

(c) & (d): Yes, Madam. The socio-economic impacts of the Schemes of Mega Food Park and Cold Chain have been assessed through third party. Recommendations of the Socio Economic Impact study of the schemes of Mega Food Park and Cold Chain Projects are annexed at Annexure II and III. It is expected that, each Mega Food Park, on being fully operational, on an average, may lead to creation of direct/ indirect employment of about 5000 persons and will benefit about 25,000 farmers. Each Cold Chain Project will provide employment to about 100 persons and link about 500 farmers in the F&V sector and 5000 farmers in dairy/ fishery/ marine sector. Based on the experience of implementation of the projects under the scheme of Mega Food Park and Cold Chain and consultations with stakeholders, the operational guidelines of both the Schemes have been modified to make them investor friendly. The criteria of appraisal of projects have been made transparent and objective. To fill up the vacant slots under the schemes of Mega Food Park Expressions of Interest (EOI) were invited on 31.07.2016 and 8 Mega Food Park projects have been given ‘In-principle’ approval against vacant slots. Expressions of Interest (EOI) were invited on 31.08.2016 seeking proposals for sanction of around 100 new Cold Chain projects against which, 308 proposals have been received.

(e): The Ministry is conducting the consultations with stakeholders and domain experts for Integrated Food Processing Policy to reduce large scale wastage of perishable fruits and vegetables in the country including Gujarat.


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