Question : Orphanages

(a) the total number of orphanages across the country, State/UT-wise including Maharashtra and Bihar, location-wise;
(b) the number of orphans and abandoned children across the country, orphanages-wise;
(c) the funds allocated/released and utilised for said orphanages during the last three years; and
(d) whether any suggestions have been received by Government of Maharashtra and Bihar regarding condition of orphanages and orphans children living there, if so, the details thereof and the action taken in this regard so far?

Answer given by the minister



(a) to (d): As per the information provided by the States/UTs, total number of Child Care Institutions (CCIs) including Specialised Adoptions Agencies (SAAs) alongwith the number of orphan/abandoned/surrendered children supported under Child Protection Services (CPS) Scheme, is at Annexure-I.

The details of fund released and utilized by States/UTs during the last three year under CPS, is at Annexure-II.

The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 and Model Rules, 2016 framed thereunder provides for monitoring, inspection, standards of care and measures to be taken by the State Governments/UT Administrations. The primary responsibility of execution of JJ Act and implementation of the Scheme rests with States/UTs. The National and State Commissions for protection of Child Rights have been established under the provisions of the Commissions for protection of Child Rights Act, 2005, to monitor the action taken for welfare of children, inter alia.



Annexure referred to in reply to part (a) to (b) of Lok Sabha Un-Starred Question No.2807 for 12.03.2021 raised by Shri Vinayak Raut & Shrimati Veena Devi regarding “Orphanages”.

Details of total number of CCIs including SAAs alongwith the number of children supported under CPS Scheme during current financial year.

S. No. State/UT Children Home Beneficiaries Specialized Adoption Agencies Beneficiaries
1 Andhra Pradesh 56 2526 14 122
2 Arunachal Pradesh 4 155 1 10
3 Assam 36 1372 19 78
4 Bihar 13 599 13 132
5 Chhattisgarh 44 1630 12 119
6 Goa 16 555 2 16
7 Gujarat 53 1436 13 125
8 Haryana 24 1060 7 57
9 Himachal Pradesh 30 1178 1 8
10 Jammu and Kashmir 10 542 2 0
11 Jharkhand 28 910 12 92
12 Karnataka 68 2856 31 379
13 Kerala 17 436 11 65
14 Madhya Pradesh 44 1793 26 210
15 Maharashtra 22 975 18 180
16 Manipur 41 1329 9 98
17 Meghalaya 37 802 4 5
18 Mizoram 35 1041 7 26
19 Nagaland 23 507 4 15
20 Odisha 90 6446 27 263
21 Punjab 13 417 6 77
22 Rajasthan 61 3005 21 211
23 Sikkim 14 476 4 20
24 Tamil Nadu 187 12450 20 200
25 Tripura 20 728 6 44
26 Uttar Pradesh 46 1993 25 386
27 Uttarakhand 9 301 5 11
28 West Bengal 59 3307 25 322
29 Telangana 31 1017 11 320
30 Andaman & Nicobar 10 401 2 10
31 Chandigarh 5 254 2 20
32 Dadra and Nagar Haveli 0 0 1 10
33 Daman and Diu 1 25 0 0
34 Lakshadweep 0 0 0 0
35 Delhi 22 1019 3 50
36 Puducherry 22 904 2 35
Total 1191 54445 366 3716


Annexure referred to in reply to part (c) to (d) of Lok Sabha Un-Starred Question No.2807 for 12.03.2021 raised by Shri Vinayak Raut & Shrimati Veena Devi regarding “Orphanages”.

The details of fund released and utilized by States/UTs during the last three year under CPS.

No. State/UT 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
released Amount
Utlized Amount
released Amount
Utlized Amount
released Amount
1 Andhra Pradesh 1469.88 1537.11 1870.01 1477.11 1373.53 1679.85
2 Arunachal Pradesh 643.71 180.00 37.63 526.03 1174.11 449.14
3 Assam 2932.68 1608.78 3379.63 2015.65 3363.95 1730.54
4 Bihar 541.56 1609.84 2621.87 1619.23 1405.39 2334.30
5 Chhattisgarh 3181.97 1701.20 2151.01 2710.68 2098.74 2036.07
6 Goa 728.53 54.44 16.03 80.17 19.63 94.56
7 Gujarat 590.11 1767.24 2251.55 1790.09 2146.27 1923.30
8 Haryana 1858.22 2500.00 1387.60 1693.65 2217.99 1642.22
9 Himachal Pradesh 1835.01 1833.11 1342.64 1349.88 1607.40 1416.52
10 Jammu & Kashmir 807.48 807.48 2106.94 1189.53 1225.16 2325.80
11 Jharkhand 1714.57 1641.76 1480.26 1491.25 1845.80 1577.14
12 Karnataka 3272.45 1364.04 4022.56 3285.56 3290.45 2969.37
13 Kerala 1849.45 1275.72 1263.77 1263.77 1519.74 754.30
14 Madhya Pradesh 3262.77 2582.87 2959.23 3070.18 3052.72 2388.42
15 Maharashtra 608.15 2697.87 3156.52 1922.01 2449.63 1941.08
16 Manipur 1886.33 2103.00 3866.99 3660.70 3102.72 3073.00
17 Meghalaya 1846.60 1846.60 2254.51 2254.51 2241.71 2234.49
18 Mizoram 1917.51 1917.51 2042.28 2042.28 2530.43 2136.90
19 Nagaland 1457.45 1457.45 1787.12 1779.05 2085.95 2054.82
20 Orissa 2599.30 2782.53 4352.44 3398.22 3541.66 3436.79
21 Punjab 143.24 875.43 1244.17 534.19 722.00 815.29
22 Rajasthan 4752.30 2995.81 3584.72 3584.72 3195.88 4041.72
23 Sikkim 662.76 125.43 379.25 512.55 662.51 618.96
24 Tamil Nadu 2013.12 5512.50 7895.14 8622.16 14915.36 10624.87
25 Telangana 894.82 633.08 1329.23 1647.72 1726.38 1190.19
26 Tripura 446.81 499.00 885.77 849.54 879.61 601.03
27 Uttar Pradesh 1830.67 4222.98 7834.39 5347.81 4277.72 4173.25
28 Uttarakhand 907.57 731.40 1344.40 405.84 918.58 1722.38
29 West Bengal 5073.56 4232.67 2372.13 3391.03 2815.10 4285.62
30 Andaman & Nicobar Island 31.66 93.36 218.85 201.17 329.62 211.53
31 Chandigarh 194.32 236.17 577.58 259.27 0.00 344.99
32 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 24.82 69.90 11.24 90.74 193.97 80.85
Daman & Diu 21.89 83.00 18.42 67.77 141.79 72.36
33 Delhi 354.33 907.88 1007.39 849.99 972.86 717.64
34 Lakshadweep 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
35 Ladakh
36 Puducherry 114.35 426.20 398.43 334.79 501.96 513.60
52469.95 54913.36 73451.70 65318.84 74546.32 68212.89

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