(a) whether the law and order situation in Delhi is deteriorating in view of recent spurt in crimes;

(b) if so, the details of various crimes reported during the last one year and till date, crime-wise including cases of suicides and killing of senior citizens, district-wise;

(c) the total number of accused persons arrested and action taken against them; and

(d) the steps taken by the Government to stop such incidents?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): No Sir. The law and order situation in Delhi by and large has remained well under control till date during the year 2006. A large number of law and order arrangements including demonstrations, processions, dharans, strikes etc. were handled tactfully. Special care was taken by Delhi Police in handling lawyers` strike, anti reservation agitation and demolition operations.

As regards crime situation, there has been a mixed trend in the incidence of crimes under various crime heads. The details of various crimes reported during the year 2005 and 2006 (upto 15th July) are given in the annexure.

(c): The number of persons arrested and action taken against them during the year 2005 and 2006 (upto 15th July) are given below:

(i)	Total number of persons arrested	131265
(ii)	Total number of persons convicted	16611
(iii)	Total number of persons acquitted	633
(iv)	Total number of persons against whom trial is pending	65435
(v)	Total number of persons against whom investigation is pending	43030
(vi)	Total number of persons discharged	5556

(d): The steps taken by Delhi Police to control crime and improve law and order situation in Delhi include improvement in the beat system of patrolling; identification of Police Stations with high rate of crime and provision of additional manpower and motor cycle patrols to such Police Stations; rationalizing the timing for patrolling to maximize its effectiveness; development of intelligence about movement of desperate criminals; multi-tasking of Police Control Room Vans; establishment of Crime against Women Cell; setting up of Rape Crises Intervention Centres in all the nine Police Districts; deployment of staff in plain cloth at vulnerable places; starting of dedicated `Women Helpline` in the Police Control Room; constitution of `Women Mobile Team` to attend to distress calls from women on round-the- clock basis; setting up of `Senior Citizens Security Cell` at the Police Headquarters; closer interaction with the Residents Welfare Associations; and establishment of Mobile Crime Team equipped with sophisticated equipment and its round-the-clock deployment in each District.