(a) whether a number of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) are lagging behind their completion schedule and several acres of land is lying unutilised in the approved SEZs in various parts of the country;

(b) if so, the details thereof, State/UT-wise along with the reasons therefor;

(c) the activities carried out in SEZs during the last three years, the area of land allotted to them along with their present status, State/UT-wise;

(d) whether the Government has taken note that number of displaced persons is higher than the persons employed through SEZs;

(e) if so, the details thereof indicating the ratio of persons displaced vis-a-vis persons employed during the said period, State/UT-wise; and

(f) the steps being taken by the Government for proper utilisation of land to boost activities in SEZs, rehabilitation of displaced persons and completion of SEZs in a time bound manner?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c): In addition to Seven Central Government Special Economic Zones (SEZs) and 11 State/Private Sector SEZs set-up prior to the enactment of the SEZ Act, 2005, approval has been accorded to 524 proposals out of which 352 SEZs have been notified. There are a total of 196 functional SEZs. The contribution of SEZ exports, employment generated and investment made in SEZs during the last three years is as under:

 Financial	Exports	Employment	Investment Year	(Rs. Crore)	(Persons)	(Rs. Crore) 
2011-2012 364478 844916 201875
2012-2013 476159 1074904 236717
2013-2014 494077 1283309 296663
Calculated on cumulative basis.

A statement showing States/UT-wise details of total notified land area, area utilized and lying vacant in processing area is at Annexure-I.

(d) to (f): Land is a state subject and is procured as per policies and procedures adopted by the State Governments. Insofar as relief and rehabilitation package for any affected person is concerned, this is implemented by State Government agencies. The Government, on the basis of inputs/suggestions received from stakeholders on the policy and operational framework of the SEZ Scheme, periodically reviews the policy and operational framework of SEZs and takes necessary measures so as to facilitate speedy and effective implementation of SEZs. The Government has notified SEZ Rules (Amendment) 2013 vide GSR 540E dated 12.8.2013 to reduced land requirement criteria and other reform measure to boost SEZ policy framework. Besides, steps for time bound delivery of services, digitization and online processing of various activities involving Developers and Units have been taken. A statement showing States/UT-wise employment generation is at Annexure-II.

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