(a) whether a large quantity of foodgrains is allowed to rot or go waste due to shortage of adequate storage space and handling facilities;

(b) if so, the details thereof indicating the storage capacity required, available and hired by Food Corporation of India (FCI) and other Government and private agencies along with the quantum and value of foodgrains produced, procured, stored and damaged during each of the last three years and the current year, State/UT-wise;

(c) the details of the steps taken including involvement of the private- sector for creation of additional storage space and strengthening of the present infrastructure and to improve handling facilities in various States along with the assistance provided by the Government and the storage capacity created during the said period, State/UTwise;

(d) the steps taken for proper storage and management of foodgrains to check damages and ensure utilisation of foodgrains under welfare schemes;

(e) the steps taken including facilities provided to the farmers to encourage them to store foodgrains in covered godowns along with the success achieved therein; and

(f) whether the Government has taken note of the contamination caused to foodgrains due to excessive use of pesticides during storage in godowns and if so, the details thereof and the corrective steps taken in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a) : No, Madam.

(b) : Does not arise.

(c) : To augment covered storage capacity, Government has formulated a Private Entrepreneur Guarantee (PEG) scheme through private entrepreneurs for which a guarantee of 10 years assured hiring is given by FCI. In all, a capacity of 203.76 lakh tons have been approved for construction of godowns in 19 States under the scheme through private entrepreneurs, Central Warehousing Corporation and State Warehousing Corporations, out of which 20 lakh tons capacity is earmarked for construction of SILOS. A total capacity of about 120.30 lakh tons has been completed under the scheme as on 30.6.2014, year- wise details are as under:

 Year	Capacity constructed (in lakh tons) 
2010-11 2.00 2011-12 26.17 2012-13 41.74 2013-14 50.11 2014-15 (upto 30.6.2014) 0.27 Total 120.30

State-wise details of the storage capacity constructed under PEG scheme is at Annex-I. Besides, involving private entrepreneur FCI’s owned storage capacity is created under Plan Scheme. To meet additional requirements of storage, a capacity of 292730 tons in North East(NE) Region including Sikkim and 76220 tons in the areas other than NE has been approved under 12th Five Year Plan. Capacity created by FCI under Plan Scheme during last three years and the current year is at Annex-ll. Department also releases funds as grants-in-aid to NE States including Sikkim and Jammu & Kashmir for construction of godowns for their own requirement. An amount of Rs. 44.13 crore has been released to these States and 23220 tons of storage capacity has already been created. State-wise details are as under:
 S.No.	State	Funds released (Rs. in crore)	Capacity created (in tons) 

1. Jammu & Kashmir 3.41 6160
2. Assam 3.43 -
3. Mizoram 11.30 8000
4. Meghalaya 1.74 4500
5. Sikkim 0.60 - 6. Tripura 16.94 12000
7 Arunachal Pradesh 4.71 2560
8. Nagaland 2.00 - Total 44.13 33220

For strengthening of the present infrastructure and improving handling facilities in godowns, FCI is implementing use of conveyor belt and stacker through Handling Transport Contractor. To achieve this prototype, 23 Nos. Conveyor belt and stacker have been installed in all Zones.

(d) Steps taken to ensure proper storage and to avoid damage of foodgrains during storage so that good quality foodgrains are issued for utilization under walfare schemes are at Annexure-lll.

(e) : Details of steps taken to encourage farmers for safe storage and to store foodgrains in godowns and success achieved are at Annex-IV.

(f) : To control insect infestation during storage of foodgrains under central pool, prophylactic and curative treatments are undertaken by technically qualified persons, strictly using the insecticides as per the prescribed doses. No chemical /pesticides is mixed or sprayed directly on foodgrains.

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