(a) the annual plan allocations sought and sanctioned for Assam and other North Eastern States for 2005-06; and
(b) the rate of Industrial and Agricultural growth and targets fixed for other socio-
economic sectors contemplated thereunder?
(a) the annual plan allocations sought and sanctioned for Assam and other North Eastern States for 2005-06; and
(b) the rate of Industrial and Agricultural growth and targets fixed for other socio-
economic sectors contemplated thereunder?
(a): Information is furnished in Annexure `A`.
(b): Rate of growth for industrial, agricultural, services and all sectors combined as recorded
during 2002-03 and the targets contemplated for these sectors for the Tenth Five Year Plan
for Assam and other North Eastern States are submitted in Annexure `B`.
Reply to Lok Sabha Question No.225 due for 2.3.2005
Annual Plans 2005-06
Outlay Proposed and Outlay Agreed for Assam and Other North Eastern States
(Rs. Crore)
States Proposed Outlay Agreed Outlay
North Eastern States
1. Arunachal Pr. 1212.12 950.00
2. Assam 3190.61 3000.00
3. Manipur 726.30 915.00
4. Meghalaya 765.00 800.00
5. Mizoram 685.00 685.00
6. Nagaland 591.00 620.00
7. Sikkim 1156.98 500.00
8. Tripura 804.53 804.00
Reply to Lok Sabha Question No.225 due for 2.3.2005
Rate of Industrial and Agricultural growth for 2002-03 and targets for Tenth Five Year Plan (2002-07)
(Annual Average in percent)
States Tenth Five Year Plan Target (2002-07) Growth rates 2002-03
Agricul- Indu- Services All sectors Agricul- Industry Services All sectors ture stry ture
Arunachal Pradesh 4.00 8.90 10.50 8.00 NA NA NA 6.30
Assam 3.82 5.00 9.00 6.20 -0.73 5.28 6.65 3.90
Manipur 3.59 8.33 7.39 6.50 3.03 7.78 4.77 4.90
Meghalaya 4.00 6.87 7.05 6.30 2.10 5.67 6.26 5.10
Mizoram 2.00 4.16 6.84 5.30 NA NA NA NA
Nagaland 4.00 7.29 5.78 5.60 NA NA NA NA
Tripura 3.90 9.37 8.43 7.30 NA NA NA NA
Sikkim 5.00 5.21 10.36 7.90 NA NA NA NA
All India 4.00 8.90 9.40 8.00 -6.98 6.57 7.91 4.00
NA : Not Available