Question : Utilisation of Degraded Land

(a) the details of total land being used for agriculture across the country, State/ UT-wise;
(b) the details of total land degraded and which cannot be used for agriculture, State/UT-wise; and
(c) the steps taken by the Government for optimum utilization of degraded land in the country?

Answer given by the minister


(a): Area of agricultural land in the country during 2013-14 as per ‘LAND USE STATISTICS AT A GLANCE 2004-05 TO 2013-14’ (2016) is about 181.85 million hectare. State / UT-wise details are given in Annexure I.
(b): Area of Barren and unculturable land in the country during 2013-14 as per ‘LAND USE STATISTICS AT A GLANCE 2004-05 TO 2013-14’ (2016) is about 16.95 million hectare. State / UT-wise details are given in Annexure II.
(c): Under the Watershed Development Component of the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (WDC-PMKSY) Department of Land Resources is implementing 8214 watershed development projects in 28 States (except Goa) covering an area of about 39.07 million hectare principally for development of rainfed portions of net cultivated area and culturable wastelands. The activities being undertaken inter alia include ridge area treatment, drainage line treatment, soil and moisture conservation, rain water harvesting, nursery raising, afforestation, horticulture, pasture development, livelihoods for assetless persons, etc.
In addition, other Central Ministries / Departments like Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare are implementing schemes and programmes like the Per Drop More Crop component of PMKSY which inter alia includes activities for water conservation, drought proofing, water harvesting, ground water recharge, etc.
Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare has also launched Reclamation of Problem Soil (RPS) as a sub-scheme of Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) during 2016-17 for reclamation of problem soils (Alkalinity / Salinity / Acidity) on pilot basis in the States having higher extent of problem soil area.
National Afforestation & Eco-Development Board in the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change is implementing a Centrally Sponsored Scheme “National Afforestation Programme” in the country for regeneration of degraded forests and adjoining areas through people’s participation.

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