(a) Whether the silk available in the country is not sufficient to cater to the needs of the people ;

(b) if so, whether the Government has permitted import of silk ;

(c) if so, the details thereof for the last three years, country-wise;

(d) whether the cheap Chinese silk available in the country is being smuggled; and

(e) if so, the details thereof alongwith the action taken by the Government to protect the indigenous silk producers?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Yes Sir, The domestic demand for silk in India is estimated to be around 25,000 MTs, where as the country’s production is around 17,305 MTs (2005-06) resulting into a gap of around 8,000 MTs annually
(b) The Government has permitted import of silk under the OGL.
(c) Country-wise import of raw silk into India during last three years is shown in Annexure.

(d) & (e) There is no definite information about the quantity and value of the smuggled consignments, which are entering the country illegally. The cheap raw silk which is entering India illegally, has affected the silk sector in the country mainly since the year 2001-02.

The Director-General of Anti-dumping and Allied Duties (DGAD) has issued an order on 4th July 2003 imposing anti-dumping duty on the raw silk imported from China P.R. This imposition of anti-dumping duty has brought certain stability in the Indian silk market. The DGAD has also imposed provisional anti-dumping duty by issuing gazette notification on 28th April, 2006 pending final findings on silk fabric imported from China. This has helped the power-loom industry. However, in order to promote Indo-China border trade a notification has been issued by Directorate General of Foreign Trade vide their notification dated 13th June, 2006 wherein the item “silk” is permitted to be imported freely.

Apart from the above available legal measures the Government have taken several initiatives through Central Silk Board and the State Governments to strengthen the Indian silk industry by focusing on improvement in productivity and quality through improved technology to counter the import of Chinese silk into the country. The Government is implementing an ambitious Catalytic Development Programme to improve both the quality and productivity of Indian raw silk.


Country-wise import of raw silk into India during last three years

SL.	COUNTRY	2003-04	2004-05	2005-06 (P)	QTY (M.T.)	QTY (M.T.)	QTY (M.T.)
1 CHINA P. REPUBLIC 7576 7243 8116 2 CHINA TAIPEI (TAIWAN) 25 54 27 3 BRAZIL 269 79 57 4 KOREA REPUBLIC 111 18 19 5 HONGKONG 24 2 3 6 SWITZERLAND 925 101 - 7 JAPAN 190 423 10 8 UZBEKISTAN 45 21 50 9 U S A 12 - 1 10 SINGAPORE - - 1 OTHERS 81 7 50 TOTAL 9258 7948 8334
P: provisional

Source: Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence & Statistics, Kolkata