Question : Central Monitoring System

(a) whether the Government has operationalised Central Monitoring System (CMS) to intercept communication on mobile phones, landlines and internet across the country;

(b) if so, the details alongwith the aims and objectives thereof;

(c) if not, the reasons for delay; and

(d) the time by which it is likely to be made operationalised?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (d) Madam, Government has decided to set up the Centralized Monitoring System (CMS) in a phased manner to automate the process of lawful interception and monitoring of mobile phones, landlines and the internet in the country. The phase related with Technology development and Pilot trials of the CMS have been completed. The Centre Monitoring Centre (CMC) at Delhi, Regional Monitoring Center (RMC) at New Delhi and Mumbai has been operationalised and other RMC in License Service Area, under CMS project, across the country are progressively being operationalised in a phased manner. The aims and objective of the CMS are as follows:

(i) Electronic Provisioning of target number by a Government agency without any manual intervention from Telecom Service Providers (TSPs) on a secured network, thus enhancing the secrecy level and quick provisioning of target.
(ii) Secure flow of intercepted communication on near real time basis between Law Enforcement Agency (LEA) and Telecom Service Providers (TSP) on secured and dedicated CMS network.
(iii) Central and Regional Centers which will help Central and State level Law Enforcement Agencies in lawful Interception and Monitoring in serious desirable cases of National Security and allied matters.
(iv) Research and Development (R&D) in related fields for continuous up gradation of the CMS.


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