(a) the capacity of the gas based power generation stations in the country along with the requirement of gas to operate them at full load;

(b) the quantum of indigenous gas and long term contracted Re-classified Liquefied Natural Gas (RLNG) separately available to them for power generation;

(c) the quantum of gas based generation capacity lying idle in the country due to shortage of gas supply;

(d) whether the issue of allocation of gas for power plants was discussed during the meeting of Empowered Group of Ministers (EGoMs) recently; and

(e) if so, the details thereof along with the steps being taken by the Government for utilization of idle capacity of gas based power stations?

Answer given by the minister


(a) As monitored by CEA, the capacity of gas based power generation stations in the country is around 17721 Mega Watt (MW) (as on 31.01.2013) which used gas as the primary fuel. Details of gas based power projects in the country and their gas requirement at full load [90% Plant Load Factor (PLF)] is given at Annex-I.

(b) The total gas available for consumption/consumed by gas based power plant as on 31st January, 2013 was 32.57 Million Metric Standard Cubic Meter Per Day (MMSCMD) including long term contracted Re-Gasified Liquefied Natural Gas (RLNG) of 4.82 MMSCMD for power plant.

(c) Due to reduced gas supply specially from Krishna Godavari (KG)-D6 field, most of the existing gas based power plants in the country are operating at very low (PLF). Some of the power plants dependent only on KG-D6 gas are lying idle at present (as at Annex-II). In addition, many power plants are under advanced stage of construction and awaiting gas allocation for their testing / commissioning / commercial operation. The details of power plants that are presently under construction/commissioned for which gas is yet to be allocated are given at Annex-III.

(d) The last EGoM meeting on Gas Pricing and Commercial Utilization of Gas was held on 24.02.2012 where the issue of allocation of gas was discussed.

(e) To utilize idle capacity from gas based power plants, Government is making all out efforts for additional availability of gas to power plants and taking necessary steps to increase domestic production of gas in the country and facilitating import of RLNG in the country.