Question : Schemes Implemented Through NGOs

(a) the schemes being implemented by NGOs for empowerment of Women and Child Development in the State of Maharashtra;
(b) whether the Government has any mechanism in place to monitor the said schemes being implemented by these NGOs in Maharashtra, if so, the details thereof;
(c) the number of beneficiaries of these schemes under various schemes during the last two years and the current year, State/UT-wise; and
(d) whether the said schemes have been proven effective in improving the living standard of beneficiaries and if so, the success achieved and the manner in which it was assessed?

Answer given by the minister



(a): The Government is inter alia implementing the following Centrally Sponsored Schemes under Ministry of Women and Child Development for empowerment of women and children, through NGOs, across the country including Maharashtra:

(i) The Swadhar Greh Scheme which targets women living in difficult circumstances without social and economic support like deserted women and women survivors of natural disaster who have been rendered homeless, trafficked women/girls, women victims of terrorist violence, mentally challenged women/girls who are without support and women with HIV/AIDS deserted by family. These women are in need of institutional support for rehabilitation so that they could lead their life with dignity. The Scheme envisages providing shelter, food, clothing and health services as well as economic and social security for them along with facilitating their emotional and economic rehabilitation into the society.

(ii) Ujjawala Scheme for combating trafficking of women and children for commercial sexual exploitation, with five specific components – Prevention, Rescue, Rehabilitation, Re-Integration and Repatriation of victims of trafficking. The scheme has been conceived primarily for the purpose of preventing trafficking on the one hand and rescue and rehabilitation of victims on the other. The scheme provides for rehabilitation of victims by providing food, shelter, counseling, medical care, legal aid and vocational training as well as their reintegration into society.

(iii) Working Women’s Hostel Scheme (WWH) is implemented through Govt. bodies as well as NGOs to promote availability of safe and conveniently located accommodation for working women, with day care facility for their children, wherever possible, in urban, semi urban, and even rural areas where employment opportunity for women exist. The scheme is assisting projects for construction of new hostel buildings, expansion of existing hostel buildings and also for running hostel buildings in rented premises. The scheme is implemented across the country including Maharashtra.

(iv) The scheme of Family Counselling Centre (FCC) is implemented by Central Social Welfare Board (CSWB) across the country including Maharashtra. FCCs are providing professional counseling, referral and rehabilitative services to women who are victims of atrocities, marital discord, dowry problems, family maladjustment, alcoholism, social ostracism as well as in cases of crisis intervention and trauma counseling. The centers are functioning in close collaboration with local government, police, family courts, legal aids cells and allied agencies. Backward & Forward linkages of these Centres are with Women Helpline (WHL), One Stop Centre (OSC) etc.

(b) : For effective implementation of these schemes, the Ministry of WCD has issued detailed guidelines for monitoring mechanism. The schemes have inbuilt monitoring mechanism. Swadhar Greh scheme is monitored at three levels i.e. District level, State level and Central level and monitoring of Ujjawala scheme is at Panchayat/Block/ District level, State level and Central level. As per the Scheme Guidelines, regular monitoring of the functioning of the hostels under this scheme is the responsibility of the District Administration. Half-Yearly report on the implementation of the scheme as prescribed in the scheme should be sent to the Ministry of Women & Child Development, New Delhi by the District Administration, with a copy to the State Government .

Under FCC of ICT (Information-Communication-Technology) monitoring is done through Web/App based Daily Reporting System (Portal). The Portal was developed for indentifying and establishing data collection. All Implementing Agencies running the Centres and their Counsellor have been registered in the Portal and details of cases and other documents such as Half Yearly Progress Report (HYPR), Audited Accounts etc. are uploaded. Inspection Reports are also being uploaded in the Portal. Regular monitoring, guidance, support is provided through Govt. Officials in the field. Each Centre is visited at least twice in a year or more, if required. A sub-committee constituted with social workers, representative of local administration, police, state-free legal aid cells, other Voluntary Organizations etc. is reviewing each centre at least once in three months. Half Yearly Progress Reports, Utilization Certificates and Audited Accounts in the form of Receipt & Payments, Income & Expenditure and Balance Sheet are submitted by Voluntary Organizations.

(c) & (d) : The Schemes have proven effective in improving the living standard of beneficiaries by providing shelter, food, clothing and health services as well as economic and social security for them along with facilitating their emotional and economic rehabilitation into the society under Swadhar scheme; by providing rehabilitation of victims by providing food, shelter, counseling, medical care, legal aid and vocational training as well as their reintegration into society under Ujjawala scheme; and by providing safe and conveniently located accommodation to the working women under WWH scheme.

The scheme of FCC of CSWB is helpful in dealing with wide range of problems faced by women and families through its counseling, referral and rehabilitative services. The FCCs also create awareness and mobilize public opinion on social issues affecting the status of women like female foeticide, domestic violence, sexual abuse, dowry etc. Apart from that women and their families are being sensitize about the laws related to crime against women and children. The outcome of scheme is assessed through Web based portal, Half Yearly Progress Reports submitted by the VOs and inputs given by Officers of CSWB and State Government. Assessment of success achieved is made on the bases of no. of cases being dealt by centres, cases settled and no. of women rehabilitated in the family or mainstream.

The number of beneficiaries of Swadhar Greh, Ujjawala, Working Women Hostel Schemes and scheme of Family Counselling Centre (FCC) during the last two years and the current year, State/UT-wise is at Annexure I, II, III and Annexure IV respectively.


Annexure I
Annexure referred to in reply of part (c) of Lok Sabha Un-starred Question No.4534 for 20.03.2020 regarding Schemes Implemented Through NGOs.

The number of beneficiaries under Swadhar Greh scheme during the last two years and the current year, State/UT-wise is as under:-.

S.No. State Name 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
1 Andhra Pradesh 780 780 901
2 Arunachal Pradesh 30 30 16
3 Assam 720 510 510
4 Bihar 480 0
5 Punjab 60 60 30
6 Chandigarh 30 30 17
7 Chhattisgarh 120 90 84
8 Delhi 60 60 33
9 Goa 30 0
10 Gujarat 210 120 120
11 Haryana 30 30 -
12 Jammu & Kashmir 120 90 160
13 Jharkhand 90 90 14
14 Karnataka 1830 1380 1383
15 Kerala 240 210 473
16 Madhya Pradesh 180 240 240
17 Maharashtra 2280 1500 1500
18 Manipur 690 690 664
19 Mizoram 60 330 112
20 Meghalaya 60 60 60
21 Nagaland 30 60 60
22 Odisha 2160 2340 2340
23 Puducherry 30 30 30
24 Rajasthan 420 180 180
25 Sikkim 30 30 22
26 Tamil Nadu 1200 1050 1050
27 Telangana 720 570 831
28 Tripura 120 120 120
29 Uttar Pradesh 2741 390 390
30 Uttrakhand 270 120 120
31 West Bengal 1440 1440 1440
32 Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands 30 8 8
33 Himachal Pradesh 0 0 0

Annexure II
Annexure referred to in reply of part (c) of Lok Sabha Un-starred Question No.4534 for 20.03.2020 regarding Schemes Implemented Through NGOs.

The number of beneficiaries under Ujjawala scheme during the last two years and the current year, State/UT-wise is as under:-.

Sl. No. Name of the State 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
1 Andhra Pradesh 375 105 200
2 Assam 850 607 607
3 Bihar 75 0 0
4 Chhattisgarh 75 75 75
6 Haryana - - -
7 Karnataka 750 337 337
8 Kerala 100 100 100
9 Maharashtra 925 1150 1150
10 Manipur 400 950 950
11 Madhya Pradesh 25 0 0
12 Mizoram 25 25 28
13 Nagaland 25 25 25
14 Rajasthan 250 250 250
15 Sikkim 25 11
16 Orissa 700 600 338
17 Tamil Nadu 200 98 98
18 Uttar Pradesh 275 100 13
19 Uttarakhand 175 100 100
20 West Bengal 100 100 100
21 Gujarat 175 325 325
22 Telangana 250 250 250
23 Jharkhand - - 100

Annexure III
Annexure referred to in reply of part (c) of Lok Sabha Un-starred Question No.4534 for 20.03.2020 regarding Schemes Implemented Through NGOs.
The State/UTs wise details of sanctioned hostels & beneficiaries covered under Working Women’s Hostel
As on 17.03.2020
S.No. States/UTs Total no. of hostel Total No. of Working Women
1 Andhra Pradesh 41 3255
2 Arunachal Pradesh 14 906
3 Assam 17 829
4 Bihar 6 266
5 Chhattisgarh 10 486
6 Goa 2 120
7 Gujarat 27 1309
8 Haryana 20 1561
9 Himachal Pradesh 16 561
10 Jammu & Kashmir 5 360
11 Jharkhand 2 214
12 Karnataka 62 5253
13 Kerala 160 15508
14 Madhya Pradesh 62 3538
15 Maharashtra 138 10704
16 Meghalaya 4 214
17 Mizoram 5 249
18 Manipur 28 1872
19 Nagaland 24 1736
20 Orissa 28 1725
21 Punjab 15 1497
22 Rajasthan 39 1843
23 Sikkim 2 144
24 Tamilnadu 94 6800
25 Telangana 27 2077
26 Tripura 1 50
27 Uttrakhand 6 538
28 UP 38 3090
29 West Bengal 39 2639
30 Chandigarh 7 736
31 Delhi 20 3086
32 Pondicherry 4 221
Total 963 73387

Annexure IV
Annexure referred to in reply of part (c) of Lok Sabha Un-starred Question No.4534 for 20.03.2020 regarding Schemes Implemented Through NGOs.
The State/UTs wise details of No. of beneficiaries under Family Counseling Centre Programme of CSWB.
Sl. No. Name of State No. of beneficiaries
(2017-18) No. of beneficiaries (2018-19) No. of beneficiaries (2019-20) as on 16.03.2020
1 Andhra Pradesh 8257 11067 1483
2 A & N Island 702 238 129
3 Bihar 12163 0 0
4 Chandigarh 1134 1094 1010
5 Chhattisgarh 1744 1010 6068
6 Delhi 11366 10571 2571
7 Goa 1998 903 477
8 Gujarat 25315 13352 49964
9 Haryana 6407 5169 1013
10 Himachal Pradesh 8551 8617 4273
11 Jammu & Kashmir 15565 6935 15950
12 Jharkhand 15177 13244 9601
13 Karnataka 47392 42184 50912
14 Kerala 59515 30789 31283
15 Lakshadweep 0 0 0
16 Madhya Pradesh 19118 16388 19354
17 Maharashtra 29365 33388 33995
18 Odisha 8030 2925 6119
19 Puducherry 8395 25615 12975
20 Punjab 1608 1053 1742
21 Rajasthan 10935 6296 4431
22 Tamil Nadu 61544 67502 92873
23 Telangana 5972 2413 3600
24 Uttar Pradesh 17203 76818 33962
25 Uttrakhand 2669 2560 266
26 West Bengal 23088 32922 19425
Total 403213 413053 403476
North East
27 Arunachal Pradesh 936 254 1217
28 Assam 7338 8187 2986
29 Manipur 2184 1219 858
30 Meghalaya 476 355 965
31 Mizoram 2208 1785 677
32 Nagaland 1870 152 262
33 Sikkim 151 93 218
34 Tripura 8564 2880 1546
Total 23727 14925 8729
Grand Total 426940 427978 412205

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