Question : Emergency Landings

(a) whether some incidents of emergency landings/improper landings have been reported at various airports of the country during the last three years and the current year;

(b) if so, the details of such incidents reported at the airports during the said period, airport-wise along with the reasons therefor;

(c) whether these incidents of emergency landings have been investigated and if so, the details and the findings thereof; and

(d) the corrective measures taken or being taken by the Government/the Directorate General of Civil Aviation in this regard?

Answer given by the minister

Minister of State in the Ministry of CIVIL AVIATION

(Dr Mahesh Sharma)

(a) & (b) During the last three years and the current year, a total of 141 incidents of emergency landings due to medical emergency and technical reasons have been reported to DGCA. The details of incidents is annexed as Annex-"A".

(c) to (d): All incidents except emergency landing due to medical issues are investigated by DGCA/AAIB and also by the PIB (Permanent
Investigation Board) of the concerned airlines in association with officers of regional air safety offices depending upon the severity of case. Safety recommendations emanating from the investigation reports are followed up for implementation with the concerned agencies so as to prevent recurrence of similar incidents in future.
Moreover, the accident/incident data is regularly analysed and based on the analysis, Air Safety Circulars are issued to bring important observations/findings to the notice of the operators to avoid recurrence of such mishaps.
DGCA also carries out the audit of operators as per Annual Surveillance Programme. Recommendations emanating from such reports are
followed up with the operator for implementation.


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