Question : PMMY in Maharashtra

(a) the main features and objectives of Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY) along with the number of beneficiaries of this scheme in the country at present, State-wise including Maharashtra;
(b) the details of the loan granted under the scheme in the country during the last three years, State/UT-wise including Nagpur-Ramtek Parliamentary constituency;
(c) the details of the number of applications received, funds sanctioned, allocated and utilised under the said scheme in the country so far, category and State/UTwise including Maharashtra;
(d) the details of new industrialists, female industrialists, persons belonging to Scheduled Tribes and other persons hailing from the Yavatmal-Washim and Nagpur-Ramtek districts benefitted under the scheme;
(e) the details of the targets set, the progress of work and the achievement made therein so far; and
(f) whether any target has been fixed to provide employment to women under the said scheme and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister

The Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance

(a) Under Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY), institutional credit up to Rs. 10 lakh is provided by Member Lending Institutions (MLIs) for entrepreneurial activities to micro/small business units which help in creating income generating activities in sectors such as manufacturing, trading, services and activities allied to agriculture.
As per data uploaded by MLIs on Mudra portal, as on 01.07.2022, over 35.88 crore loans have been sanctioned across the country under PMMY since its inception in April 2015. Out of the above, a total of 2.83 crore loans have been sanctioned in the State of Maharashtra. Number of Mudra loans extended in States/UTs is placed at Annexure I.

(b) State/UT-wise details of loans extended under PMMY during the last three financial years is placed at Annexure II. During this period, 10.39 lakh loans have been extended under this Scheme in the District of Nagpur with sanction and disbursement of Rs. 5,260 crore and Rs. 5,147 crore respectively.
(c) Loans under the PMMY are extended across three categories, viz. Shishu (loans up to Rs. 50,000), Kishore (loans from Rs. 50,001 to Rs. 5 lakh) and Tarun (loans from Rs. 5 lakh to Rs. 10 lakh). State/UT-wise and loan category wise details of loans extended under the Scheme are placed at Annexure III. Detail of applications received for loan under PMMY is not centrally maintained.
(d) Details of loans extended under PMMY in Nagpur, Yavatmal and Washim districts is placed at Annexure IV.
(e) The Government allocates annual targets under PMMY to the MLIs. Details of targets allotted and amount sanctioned under the Scheme since its inception are furnished below:-

(Amount in Rs. Crore)
PMMY - Target vs Achievement
Financial Year Target Sanctioned Amount
2015-16 1,22,188 1,37,449
2016-17 1,80,000 1,80,529
2017-18 2,44,000 2,53,677
2018-19 3,00,000 3,21,723
2019-20 3,25,000 3,37,465
2020-21 3,50,000 3,21,759
2021-22 3,00,000 3,39,110

(f) No targets are provided for employment to PMMY borrowers including women.

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