Question : Denial and Renewal of FCRA

(a) the total number of Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Amendment Act (FCRA)s registration cancelled and denied the renewal of FCRA Registration, State-wise;

(b) whether Show Cause Notice have been issued by the Government for the concerned institution for explaining the reasons of the same and if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether any prior intimation has been given by the Government in this regard to the concerned institution; and

(d) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reason therefor?

Answer given by the minister

(a) to (d): During preceding 3 years (2019, 2020, 2021) registration certificates of 1811 number of Associations have been cancelled under the provisions of the Foreign contribution Regulation Act, 2010 (FCRA 2010). Reasonable opportunity of being heard is given in terms of Section 14(2) of FCRA 2010, by issuing Show Cause Notice before a decision about cancellation of registration is taken. State-wise details of cancellation of registration are enclosed as Annexure-A.

L.S.US.Q.NO. 1562 FOR 26.07.2022

Applications for renewal of certificates of registration issued under the FCRA, 2010 are processed as per provisions of FCRA, 2010 and rules made thereunder. 783 number of applications for renewal have been denied during preceding 3 years (2019, 2020, 2021). State wise details of denied application are enclosed as Annexure-B.


Annexure - A

(Annexure to Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 1562 regarding “Denial and Renewal of FCRA” for answer on 26.07.2022)

S. No State Number of Associations whose registration has been cancelled (from 1st January,2019 to 31st December,2021)
1 Andhra Pradesh 168
2 Arunachal Pradesh 2
3 Assam 23
4 Bihar 122
5 Chandigarh 4
6 Chhattisgarh 14
7 Delhi 68
8 Goa 4
9 Gujarat 45
10 Haryana 8
11 Himachal Pradesh 8
12 Jammu and Kashmir (including Ladakh) 9
13 Jharkhand 43
14 Karnataka 96
15 Kerala 52
16 Madhya Pradesh 54
17 Maharashtra 206
18 Manipur 43
19 Meghalaya 7
20 Mizoram 2
21 Nagaland 14
22 Odisha 109
23 Puducherry 8
24 Punjab 8
25 Rajasthan 41
26 Sikkim 3
27 Tamil Nadu 218
28 Telangana 90
29 Tripura 3
30 Uttar Pradesh 115
31 Uttarakhand 31
32 West Bengal 193
Total 1811

Annexure - B

(Annexure to Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 1562 regarding “Denial and Renewal of FCRA” for answer on 26.07.2022)

S. No. State Number of applications for renewal denied (from 1st January,2019 to 31st December,2021)
1 Andhra Pradesh 84
2 Arunachal Pradesh 5
3 Assam 7
4 Bihar 20
5 Chandigarh 6
6 Chhattisgarh 4
7 Delhi 41
8 Goa 4
9 Gujarat 22
10 Haryana 12
11 Himachal Pradesh 4
12 Jammu and Kashmir (including Ladakh) 5
13 Jharkhand 10
14 Karnataka 57
15 Kerala 19
16 Madhya Pradesh 24
17 Maharashtra 110
18 Manipur 1
19 Meghalaya 1
20 Mizoram 2
21 Nagaland 2
22 Odisha 55
23 Puducherry 3
24 Punjab 5
25 Rajasthan 17
26 Sikkim 4
27 Tamil Nadu 66
28 Telangana 48
29 Tripura 4
30 Uttar Pradesh 59
31 Uttarakhand 17
32 West Bengal 65
Total 783


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