Question : Fish Production

(a) whether the Government is working on Blue Revolution (pisci culture), if so, the details thereof;
(b) whether the Government has fixed the target to increase fish production by the year 2019-20 to double the farmers income by 5% and employment generation;
(c) if so, the quantum of fish production as on date, State-wise;
(d) the details of the means provided by the Union and the State Government for sale of fish;
(e) whether the Government is considering to provide advance technology/ incentives under the Digital India for fiseries and if so, the details thereof; and
(f) the details of the various schemes being run by the Government for encouraging pisciculture and the manner in which fishermen can be associated with these schemes?

Answer given by the minister




(a): Yes, Madam. The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries (DADF) is implementing a Central Plan Scheme ‘Blue Revolution: Integrated Development and Management of Fisheries’ for development of fisheries sector in the country. The scheme provides focused development and management of fisheries, covering inland fisheries, pisciculture, marine fisheries including deep sea fishing and mariculture etc.

(b): Yes, Madam, Under Blue Revolution Scheme, the increase in the overall fish production in the country is targeted at 8% and expected to reach 15.00 million tones by 2019-20 in order to double the income of the farmer and generate employment opportunities.

(c) A statement showing the State wise details of fish production is annexed.

(d) Under Blue Revolution Scheme financial assistance is provided for setting up of wholesale and retail fish markets, fish vending kiosks, mobile fish retail outlets, insulated and refrigerated vehicles for transportation and sale of fish.

(e) This Department provides financial assistance for adopting advanced technologies like cage culture, Recirculatory Aquaculture System and Raceways for enhancement of fish production. Apart from this Geographical Information System (GIS) is used to map the water bodies/resources to tap the unutilized or under-utilized fisheries resources.

(f) To encourage pisciculture, Blue Revolution Scheme covers various activities such as (i) Construction of new ponds/tanks, (ii) Renovation of existing ponds/tanks, (iii) Renovation of MNERGA ponds and tanks, new water bodies created under various State Government/central programme including wetland development department etc, (iv) Rejuvenation of Urban/ Semi-Urban/ Rural Lakes/Tanks for fish culture, (v)Establishment of Fish seed hatcheries for Indian Major Carps and other specific cultivable fin fish, (vi) Establishment of Freshwater/ Brackishwater Prawn Hatcheries, (vii) Construction of permanent farming units and Raceways for coldwater fisheries, (viii) Development of Waterlogged areas, (ix) construction of Fish Seed Rearing Units. (one time grant), (x) supply of craft and gear, (xi) Construction of landing centers, (xii) Integrated Development of Reservoirs, (xiii) Establishment of Fish Feed Mills/Plants, (xiv) Installation of cages/pens in reservoirs and other open water bodies, (xv) Establishment of Re-circulatory Aquaculture Systems (RAS) and (xvi) Stocking of fish fingerlings in beels / wetlands.
The Blue Revolution Scheme encompasses inclusive development by providing special care to Fishermen Societies, Cooperative Bodies, Women, Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs) and under developed regions etc. by extending adequate financial assistance. High priority is accorded to the proposals of fishers, fish farmers, fishers cooperatives, SCs/STs & women and their SHG’s, cooperatives, and other weaker segments of the society so as to ensure adequate coverage of such beneficiaries as intended in the scheme. The applicants/beneficiary States/UTs/Agencies shall submit the Detailed Project Reports (DRR)/self Contained Proposals to avail central financial assistance under the scheme.

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