(a) : Government of India has approved the ` Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana` (DDUGJY) on 3rd December, 2014 for:
(i) Separation of agriculture and non-agriculture feeders facilitating judicious restoring of supply to agricultural & non-agriculture consumers in the rural areas; and
(ii) Strengthening and augmentation of sub- transmission & distribution infrastructure in rural areas, including metering of distribution transformers/feeders/consumers.
(iii) Rural electrification, as per CCEA approval dated 01.08.2013 for completion of the targets laid down under RGGVY for 12th and 13th Plans by carrying forward the approved outlay for RGGVY to DDUGJY.
The components at (i) and (ii) of the above scheme will have an estimated outlay of Rs. 43033 crore including a budgetary support of Rs. 33453 crore from Government of India during the entire implementation period.
The funding mechanism under Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana, are as under:
Agency Nature of Quantum of support support (Percentage of project cost) Other than special Special Category Category States States #
Govt. of India Grant 60 85 Discom Own fund 10 5 Contribution Lender (Fls/Banks) Loan 30 10 Additional Grant Grant 50% of 50% of from GOI on total loan total loan achievement of component component prescribed milestones (30%)i.e.15 % (10%)i.e 5% Maximum Grant by GOI Grant 75% 90% (including additional grant on achievement of prescribed milestones)
# Special Category State (All North Eastern States including Sikkim J&K, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand).
# Minimum contribution by Discom(s) is 10% (5% in case of Special Category States). However, Discom(s) contribution can go up to 40% (15% in case of Special Category States), if they do not intend to avail loan. In case, the Discom(s) do not avail loan the maximum eligible additional grant would be 15% (5% in case of Special Category States) on achievement of prescribed milestones. The loan component would be provided by REC or by other Fls/Banks.
100% grant shall be provided by GOI towards expenditure incurred on activities for bridging the missing link of National Optical Fibre Network (NOFN), creation of Rural Electrification Data Hub at Rural Electrification Corporation & Project Management Agency ( PMA) as per provision in the Scheme.
(b) : On the basis of the detailed guidelines on DDUGJY, State Governments are to submit DPRs.
(c) & (d) : The scheme of RGGVY as approved by CCEA for continuation in 12th and 13th Plans is subsumed in DDUGJY as a separate rural electrification component for which CCEA has already approved the scheme cost of Rs. 39275 crore including a budgetary support of Rs. 35447 crore. The unspent part of outlay will be carried forward to the new scheme of DDUGJY.
(e) : The status of implementation of RGGVY including the balance scope of works are at Annex.Download PDF Files