(a) the number of voluntary institutions engaged in the family welfare programme;

(b) the annual assistance and other services to them being provided by the Government;

(c) whether the Government have conducted any inquiry to ascertain the number of voluntary organisations actually engaged in related activities and the number of them existing on paper only;

(d) the number of voluntary institutions working in the field of drug abuse and the assistance and other relates services received by them from the Government;

(e) whether the Government monitor the activities of such organisations; and

(f) if so, the details in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Under the Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) Programme, sixty-eight voluntary institutions are functioning as Mother Non-governmental Organisations and six voluntary institutions have undertaken Innovative Projects. Moreover, under UNFPA funded `Support to Gender Issues` Scheme, seventeen voluntary institutions have undertaken Innovative Projects. Apart from this, two voluntary institutions are implementing RCH projects with UNFPA assistance and five voluntary institutions have received continued assistance under the `Setting up of six Bedded Sterilisation Wards` Scheme.

(b) Under the RCH Programme, no annual quantum of assistance to such institutions has been fixed. However, during the 9th Plan so far, Rs.32,08,77,648/- has been released to them under the said Programme. Under UNFPA funded `Support to Gender Issues` Scheme, Rs.1,45,50,998/- has been released. Under the two UNFPA assisted RCH projects, Rs.1,62,90,833/- has been released. Apart from this, during 9th Plan, Rs.19,74,150/- have been released to five voluntary institutions under the `Setting up of six bedded Sterilisation Wards` Scheme.

(c) There is an in-built mechanism under the RCH Programme for pre-appraisal of capacities and capabilities and subsequent evaluation of performance of voluntary organisations assisted under the said Programme. Whenever a complaint is received regarding the functioning of a voluntary organisation, the same is duly got investigated and such guilty voluntary organisation is black listed. In such cases, further assistance is immediately stopped and necessary steps are taken for recovery of the funds already released.

(d) Under the scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance(Drugs) Abuse, there are 369 voluntary institutions functioning as on 31.3.2000. Annual assistance released to voluntary institutions during the last three years is as under:

1997-98	Rs.11.50 crores	1998-99	Rs.15.20 crores.	1999-2000	Rs.19.00 crores.

(e) & (f): Monitoring and evaluation of the performance of voluntary organisations receiving grants is done periodically. However, in order to ensure effective functioning of grantee organisations and proper utilisation of grants, utilisation certificate and audited statement of accounts duly certified by a Chartered Accountant are obtained. The subsequent instalments of grants are released to voluntary organisations subject to recommendation of the State Government concerned, inspection/evaluation report of the nodal appraisal/agency after determining the utilisation of first instalment.