(a) whether the Government has increased the prices of Petrol, Diesel, Kerosene and CNG during the last six months;

(b) if so, the total number of times thereof and the prices increased amounted each time by the Government;

(c) the details of the increase and decrease in prices of petrol, diesel and LPG during last three years, alongwith the amount of increase and decrease;

(d) whether such frequent increase in prices of petroleum products would lead to increase in inflation and further price rise; and

(e) if so, the details thereof and the remedial steps taken by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a)&(b): The details of revision in retail selling price of Petrol, Diesel and PDS Kerosene since 1st April, 2010 (at Delhi) are given below:

	(per litre)

Date of Petrol Diesel PDS Kerosene Price Increase Revised Increase Revised Increase Revised revision /Decrease Price /Decrease Price /Decrease Price

Price as on 47.93 38.10 9.32 01.04.2010

26.06.2010 3.50 51.43 2.00 40.10 3.00 12.32

01.07.2010# 0.02 51.45 0.02 40.12

20.07.2010 - - -2.50 37.62

8.09.2010 0.11 51.56 0.009 37.71

21.09.2010 0.27 51.83 - - (as per IOC)

17.10.2010 0.72 52.55 - - (as per IOC)

02.11.2010# 0.04 52.59

09.11.2010 0.32 52.91 - - (as per IOC)

## VAT reduced by Delhi Government from 20% to 12.5%.

### Price revision effective 8.09.2010 was on account of revision in dealer commission.

# Revision in siding /shunting charges.

CNG is sold by City Gas Distribution (CGD) Companies, which are not Central Public Sector Undertakings (CPSUs). The retail price of CNG in any city is fixed by the CGD entity operating in that city. The price of CNG is not decided or approved by the Government. However, the price of natural gas sold under Administered Price Mechanism (APM) has been increased in June 2010, because National Oil Companies (NOCs) had been incurring significant under-recoveries in their gas business at the pre-revised price and had been requesting the Government to increase the APM gas price to market price.

(c): The details of the increase/decrease in the Retail Selling Prices (RSPs) of Petrol, Diesel and Domestic LPG (at Delhi) since 1st April 2007 are given below:-
Petrol	Diesel	Domestic LPG	(per litre)	(per Cylinder)

01.04.2007 42.85 30.25 294.75

15.02.2008 45.52 31.76

05.06.2008 50.56 34.80 346.30(effective 09.06.08 rs304.70/cyl)

06.12.2008 45.62 32.86

29.01.2009 40.62 30.86 279.70

02.07.2009 44.63 32.87 281.20(effective 1.07.09)

27.02..2010 47.63 35.47

01.04.2010 47.93 38.10 310.35

26.06.2010 51.43 4010 345.35

01.07.2010 51.45

20.07.2010 37.62

08.09.2010 51.56 37.71

21.09.2010 51.83 (as per IOC)

17.10.2010 52.55 (as per IOC)

09.11.2010 52.91 (as per IOC)

Current Price 52.91 37.71

(d)to(e): The Kirit Parikh Committee had observed that inflationary impact of price increase on sensitive petroleum products will have to be judged in comparison to the inflationary impact of budgetary deficits caused by extending huge subsidy on petroleum products.

To protect the interest of the common man, the Government has made only moderate price increases for Diesel, PDS Kerosene and Domestic LPG and has not passed on the full burden of the increased international oil prices to the consumer. Government will continue to monitor the price situation closely and in case of a high rise and volatility in the international oil prices, Government will suitably intervene in the pricing of Petrol and Diesel.