(a) the details regarding value of export of agricultural products during the last three years, country-wise;

(b) whether targets for export of agricultural products are not fixed in terms of quantity and value of products;

(c) if so, the details and the reasons therefor;

(d) the details regarding major items of agricultural products exported during the last three years;

(e) the details regarding share of India in export of agricultural products in the international market;and

(f) the steps being taken by the Government to give impetus to export of agricultural products?

Answer given by the minister


(a) The details regarding export of agricultural products during the last three years, country- wise is available on the website of the Department of Commerce at

(b) & (c) Government does not fix targets for export of agricultural products because agricultural policy in India is guided by a number of goals which include food self sufficiency, ensuring remunerative prices to farmers and to ensure the availability of essential commodities in the domestic market. From time to time, the Government puts restrictions on the export/import of agricultural products to contain inflation in the country to ensure their availability at a reasonable price. Moreover, the exports of agricultural products depend on international demand and supply situation and the prevailing domestic and international prices.

(d) Details of major items of agricultural products exported during the last three years is as given below:

Rs in Crore

ITEM	2007-2008	2008-2009	2009-2010

Basmati Rice 4345 9477 10839

Non - Basmati Rice 7410 1687 415

Wheat 1

Other Cereals 3002 3920 3005

Pulses 526 540 407

Meat, poultry & Dairy 5139 6915 7200

Fruits & Vegetables 2924 4399 5173

Processed Foods 2738 3887 4045

Nuts and Seeds 4996 5698 5746

Tobacco 1932 3461 4345

Sugar & Mollasses 5663 4531 130

Spices 4315 6338 6161

Oil Meals 8141 10269 7849

Guargum Meal 1126 1339 1133

Floriculture Prod. 340 369 294

Fruit & Veg. Seeds 142 120 145

Spirit & Beverages 346 554 605

Marine Products 6927 7066 9891

Tea 2034 2689 2943

Coffee 1872 2256 2033

Castor oil 1276 2129 2177

Shellac 124 104 71

Cotton raw incl.waste 8865 2866 9543

Total 74183 80615 84150
2007-08- Rs24.00 Lakhs and 2009-2010-Rs5.50 Lakhs (Source: DGCI&S)

(e) India’s share in US dollar term is about 1.4% in export of agricultural products in the international market.

(f) Encouraging exports is a continuous process. The Government is taking steps to encourage exports of agro products through various measures and incentives under Plan schemes of the Commodity Boards and Export Promotion Councils. Further, in order to boost export of Indian products, the Ministry of Commerce & Industry has put in place various schemes namely Market Development Assistance (MDA), Market Assistance Initiative(MAI), Assistance to States for Developing Export Infrastructure and Allied Activities(ASIDE), Vishesh Krishi and Gram Upaj Yojana, Focus Product Scheme, Focus Market Scheme, Town of Export Excellence, etc. Trade delegations are regularly sent abroad and Buyer-Seller meets are organized towards this end. Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA), under the administrative control of the Department of Commerce is also implementing its various Schemes to extend financial assistance to the eligible exporters registered with it to boost over all Agri exports.