Question : Clean Energy Sector

(a) whether the clean energy sector has been growing and huge amounts have been invested during the last eight years;
(b) if so, the details thereof and names of projects identified for such investments, State-wise;
(c) the names of sectors under the renewable energy sector which are better performers; and
(d) the steps being taken by the Government to enhance the performance of those sectors which are lagging behind?

Answer given by the minister



(a) & (b): Renewable Energy Installed capacity (including Large Hydro) has increased from 76.38 GW in March, 2014 to 160.92 GW in June, 2022.

As per Renewables 2022 Global Status Report, the year wise details of investment made in the renewable power in the country during the last eight years is given below:
Year Amount (Billion US$)
2021 11.3
2020 6.6
2019 9.6
2018 10.6
2017 13.4
2016 13.0
2015 7.5
2014 6.1

(c) & (d) The source-wise details of increase in installed capacity of various renewable energy sources (including Large Hydro) from 31.03.2014 to 30.06.2022 are given below:
(In MW)
Sector Installed Capacity as on 31.03.2014 Installed Capacity as on 30.06.2022
Solar 2821.91 57705.72
Wind 21042.58 40788.03
Small Hydro 3803.68 4887.90
Bio-Power 8181.42 10682.36
Large Hydro 40531.41 46850.17

The Government has taken several steps to promote renewable energy in the country. These include:-
• Permitting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) up to 100 percent under the automatic route,
• Waiver of Inter State Transmission System (ISTS) charges for inter-state sale of solar and wind power for projects to be commissioned by 30th June 2025,
• Laying of new transmission lines and creating new sub-station capacity for evacuation of renewable power,
• Declaration of trajectory for Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) up to the year 2029-30,
• Setting up of RE parks to provide land and transmission to RE developers on a plug and play basis,
• Schemes such as Pradhan Mantri Kisan Urja Suraksha evam Utthaan Mahabhiyan (PM-KUSUM), Solar Rooftop Phase II, 12000 MW CPSU Scheme Phase II, etc,
• Notification of standards for deployment of solar photovoltaic system/devices,
• Setting up of Project Development Cell for attracting and facilitating investments,
• Standard Bidding Guidelines for tariff based competitive bidding for procurement of Power from Grid Connected Solar PV and Wind Projects.
• Government has issued orders that power shall be dispatched against Letter of Credit (LC) or advance payment to ensure timely payment by distribution licensees to RE generators.


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