Question : Functioning of Sishu Bhawan

Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state:

(a) whether the Government has taken cognizance of the reported death of infants at Sishu Bhawan in Odisha;

(b) if so, the details thereof and the action taken by the Government thereon;

(c) whether the Government has reviewed the functioning of Sishu Bhawan across the country;

(d) if so, the details thereof, State-wise and the outcome of such review; and

(e) the corrective action taken by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister

(a) & (b): Yes. Following the reports of cluster of deaths at Shishu Bhawan in Odisha, a central team of neonatal experts from hospitals of Delhi was deputed immediately to assess the reasons which led to these deaths. As per the report submitted by the team, in August 2015 there were 138 deaths out of total 1470 admissions. (Mortality Rate 9.38%). Out of 138 deaths 82 were newborn and the deaths were attributed to delay in care seeking and all of them were reportedly very sick at the time of admission.
As per the state report a comprehensive action plan for strengthening services at Shishu bhawan is being developed by the state of Odisha. This includes creating of additional beds in ward and ICU, new post for teaching, nonteaching doctors, staff nurses, pharmacists and post graduate to fill the gap of human resource. 24X7 functional blood storage unit, help desk, State newborn Care and Resource Centre for training of doctors and nurses will also contribute towards improving the newborn care at this hospital.

(c) to (e): Ministry of Health and Family Welfare under National Health Mission regularly reviews the functioning of Special Care Newborn Unit (SNCU) across the country through field visits, common review missions , facility assessment of SNCUs and service utilization reports from the state.

Based on these reports, the states are supported in terms of technical guidance, infrastructure, human resource including capacity building and logistics so as to improve the overall quality of newborn care at these units. The state wise details of the newborn services in SNCU is detailed in annexure.
SNCU Reports 2014-2015
S No. Name of the state Total admission Total Deaths Mortality rate

1 Andaman Islands 786 33 4.20
2 Andhra Pradesh 36845 3666 9.95
3 Arunachal Pradesh 127 10 7.87
4 Assam 31630 3538 11.19
5 Bihar 13788 2202 15.97
6 Chattisgarh 6043 633 10.47
7 Chandigarh 3307 358 10.83
8 Delhi 15856 934 5.89
9 Daman & Diu 222 31 13.96
10 Dadar&Nagar Haveli 1223 109 8.91
11 Gujarat 35978 4824 13.41
12 Goa 2317 128 5.52
13 Haryana 22244 927 4.17
14 Himachal Pradesh 6688 475 7.10
15 Jharkhand 751 97 12.92
16 Jammu and Kashmir 24285 1220 5.02
17 Karnataka 44493 5101 11.46
18 Kerala 16561 589 3.56
19 Lakshadweep - - --
20 Meghalaya 2404 423 17.60
21 Manipur - - --
22 Maharashtra 45858 4476 9.76
23 Mizoram 1054 82 7.78
24 Madhya P6radesh 85132 9586 11.26
25 Nagaland 412 18 4.37
26 Odisha 42767 4936 11.54
27 Puducherry 1720 35 2.03
28 Punjab 18450 1047 5.67
29 Rajasthan 80845 8092 10.01
30 Sikkim 1007 47 4.67
31 Tripura 3298 289 8.76
32 Telangana 8812 553 6.28
33 Tamilnadu 104000 7854 7.55
34 UttarPradesh 34276 2820 8.23
35 Uttarakhand 3389 387 11.42
36 West Bengal 60923 8261 13.56
Grand Total 757491 73781 9.74

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