Question : G-20 Summit

(a) whether India has participated in the G-20 Summit recently held in Buenos Aires, Argentina;

(b) if so, the details of discussions held and resolutions passed in the Summit and the extent to which the deliberations are likely to be fruitful to the developing countries such as India;

(c) whether India has proposed to hold G-20 Summit in 2022; and

(d) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Yes.

(b) The Summit was held under the overarching theme of ‘Building consensus for fair and sustainable development’. The Focus of Argentina’s G-20 Presidency was on Future of Work; Infrastructure for development; A sustainable food future; and Gender mainstreaming strategy across G-20 agenda.

The discussions during the Summit and the G-20 Leaders’ declaration adopted on conclusion of Summit, focused on issues of importance to developing countries including India. These included employment, skills development, food security, infrastructure & its financing, portability of social protection systems, education - especially of girls, digital divide, trade issues, health, SDGs, measures to boost MSMEs, etc.

G-20 Leaders’ declaration includes commitment to use all policy tools to achieve strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth and use of Monetary policy to ensure price stability. Leaders recognised importance of disaster resilient infrastructure, agreed to promote energy security, and to improve a rules-based international order. There was call for portable social protection systems. The Declaration also stresses on skills development, quality education especially of girls, and bridging the digital divide.

The declaration calls for Food Security, and sustainable agriculture. The need for stronger Health Systems, ending HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria and use of traditional medicines has been stressed.

The declaration calls for increased cooperation in tackling economic crime and return of offenders and asset recovery.

The Leaders condemned terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and called for full implementation of The Hamburg G-20 Leaders Statement on Countering Terrorism. The declaration calls for reform of the WTO to improve its functioning.

(c) & (d) Yes. India proposed hosting G-20 Summit in 2022 in India. This was welcomed by other G-20 countries.


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