(a) the names of districts of Maharashtra selected for forestry and horticulture development schemes under JGSY;

(b) the details of other such schemes under JGSY implemented in these districts and achievements of said schemes during the last three years;

(c) the criteria being followed to select the areas to be covered under the said scheme; and

(d) the names of districts likely to be covered under these schemes during 2000-2001 in the state?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (d) The erstwhile Jawahar Rozgar Yojana (JRY) was restructured and renamed as Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana (JGSY) which is under implementation w.e.f. 1.4.99. The objective of the JGSY is to create need based infrastructure at the Village level so as to increase the opportunities for sustained employment. The programme is entirely implemented by the Gram Panchayats as per the felt need of the local community. There is no separate earmarking for Social Forestry and Horticulture under the JGSY. The works/activities which lead to the creation of infrastructure can be taken up by the Gram Panchayat with the approval of the Gram Sabha. The programme is implemented in all the districts of Maharashtra. The Statements indicating district-wise funds allocated, funds released, utilisation made and the number of works completed and works under progress since the launching of the JGSY i.e. 1999-2000 and the current year are at annexure.


Statement as referred to in part (a) to (d) of the reply to Unstarred Lok Sabha Question No. 3622 due for reply on 12.12.2000

Statement Showing Districtwise Financial & Physical Progress Under JGSYduring2000-2001

( Lakhs)as on 7.12.2000
Sl. Name of the Opening ALLOCATION Release Total Expend. % age Status of Works (in numbers) NO. District Balance Centre State Total Centre State Total Availa- Works Works Total Works as on bility completd under Works exclsively for

1.4.2000 progress SC/ST
1 THANE 37.43 754.89 251.63 1006.52 377.44 125.80 503.25 540.68 68.77 12.72 606 282 888 46 2 RAIGARH 11.13 401.70 133.90 535.60 200.85 66.94 267.79 278.92 164.35 58.92 661 798 1459 267 259 3 RATNAGIRI 19.47 364.85 121.62 486.46 182.42 60.80 243.22 262.69 191.64 72.95 642 914 1556 273 403 4 SINDHUDURG 35.90 367.51 122.50 490.02 183.76 61.25 245.00 280.90 157.63 56.12 572 169 741 327 136 5 NASHIK 354.79 734.70 244.90 979.60 367.35 122.44 489.79 844.58 883.19 104.57 797 863 1660 256 798 6 DHULE 93.16 769.99 256.66 1026.65 384.99 128.32 513.31 606.47 427.91 70.56 785 434 1219 134 7 JALGAON 78.07 443.45 147.82 591.27 221.72 73.90 295.63 373.70 239.94 64.21 2439 3437 5876 1697 8 AHMEDNAGAR 10.43 447.46 149.15 596.61 223.73 74.57 298.30 308.73 182.11 58.99 455 2122 2577 237 9 PUNE 248.63 349.07 116.36 465.43 174.54 58.17 232.71 481.34 195.07 40.53 1595 388 1983 894 10 SATARA 75.98 209.89 69.96 279.85 104.94 34.98 139.92 215.90 116.03 53.74 986 1890 2876 300 11 SANGLI 94.44 229.07 76.36 305.43 114.53 38.17 152.70 247.14 186.17 75.33 850 1245 2095 195 12 SOLAPUR 192.57 354.96 118.32 473.28 177.48 59.15 236.63 429.20 376.80 87.79 726 2923 3649 231 13 KOLHAPUR 29.34 235.36 78.45 313.81 117.67 39.22 156.89 186.23 124.32 66.76 1044 1570 2614 196 14 AURANGABAD 67.46 292.42 97.47 389.89 146.21 48.73 194.94 262.40 161.67 61.61 647 561 1208 466 15 JALNA 40.03 280.59 93.53 374.12 140.29 46.76 187.05 227.08 228.92 100.81 166 1166 1332 41 16 PARBHANI 361.81 497.98 165.99 663.98 248.99 82.99 331.98 693.79 441.79 63.68 115 801 916 66 17 BEED 0.00 313.82 104.61 418.42 156.91 52.30 209.21 209.21 141.22 67.50 165 513 678 40 18 NANDED 81.54 581.07 193.69 774.77 290.54 96.84 387.38 468.92 345.10 73.60 3531 1438 4969 2140 19 OSMANABAD 193.17 272.57 90.86 363.43 136.29 45.42 181.71 374.88 327.70 87.41 365 612 977 96 20 LATUR 94.13 383.47 127.82 511.29 191.73 63.90 255.64 349.77 265.41 75.88 542 656 1198 177 21 BULDANA 56.87 569.14 189.71 758.86 284.57 94.85 379.42 436.29 403.53 92.49 1845 1008 2853 1145 22 AKOLA 11.71 540.32 180.11 720.43 270.16 90.04 360.21 371.92 143.14 38.49 2306 3617 5923 1871 23 AMRAVATI 160.88 599.66 199.89 799.55 299.83 99.93 399.77 560.65 212.81 37.96 316 8544 8860 108 24 YAVATMAL 482.68 726.51 242.17 968.68 363.25 121.07 484.33 967.01 751.14 77.68 575 4203 4778 174 25 WARDHA 0.00 313.77 104.59 418.35 156.88 52.29 209.17 209.17 128.90 61.63 374 605 979 103 26 NAGPUR 234.97 454.63 151.54 606.18 227.32 75.76 303.08 538.05 553.72 102.91 27 BHANDARA 209.94 545.79 181.93 727.72 272.89 90.96 363.85 573.79 123.02 21.44 1012 4250 5262 440 28 CHANDRAPUR 592.90 543.98 181.33 725.31 271.99 90.65 362.65 955.55 606.41 63.46 1874 810 2684 903 29 GADCHIROLI 48.27 449.25 149.75 599.00 224.63 74.87 299.49 347.76 98.32 28.27 75 289 364 17 TOTAL 3917.7013027.87 4342.6217370.49 6513.91 2171.09 8685.0012602.70 8246.73 65.44 26066 46108 72174 12840
Blank columns denote non reporting by the States/Uts.
Annexure Statement as referred to in part (a) to (d) of the reply to Unstarred Lok Sabha Question No. 3622 due for reply on 12.12.2000
Statement Showing Districtwise Financial & Physical Progress Under JGSYduring 1999-2000
( Lakhs)
Sl. Name of the Opening ALLOCATION Release Total Expend. % age Status of Works (in numbers) District-wise release position under JGSY during 1999-2000 NO. District Balance Centre State Total Centre State Total Availa- Works Works Total Works (Rs. In lakhs) as on bility completd under Works exclsively for State:Maharashtra 1.4.99 progress SC/ST Sl. Name of Central First Second Total % releasAddl. Addl. Funds Grand 1 THANE 414.39 806.09 268.70 1074.79 674.29 224.74 595.12 1009.51 1295.01 128.28 3361 858 4219 977 No. the distAllocatiinstallminstallmReleases releasesreleased total 2 RAIGARH 90.66 428.94 142.98 571.92 214.47 71.48 285.95 376.61 421.90 112.02 1529 1289 2818 425 3 RATNAGIRI 106.18 389.59 129.86 519.46 194.8 64.93 259.73 365.91 459.42 125.56 2119 706 2825 763 1 Thane 806.09 403.04 271.25 674.29 83.65 674.29 4 SINDHUDURG 91.99 392.44 130.81 523.26 303.91 101.29 405.20 497.19 504.71 101.51 1097 741 1838 461 2 Raigarh 428.94 214.47 0 214.47 50 214.47 5 NASHIK 163.23 784.53 261.51 1046.05 1139.12 379.67 1518.79 1682.02 1176.92 69.97 1468 1253 2721 591 3 Ratnagir 389.59 194.8 0 194.8 50 194.8 6 DHULE 503.27 822.21 274.07 1096.29 511.35 170.43 681.78 1185.05 1270.90 107.24 10159 1219 11378 8203 4 Sindhudu 392.44 196.22 107.69 303.91 77.44 303.91 7 JALGAON 22.54 473.53 157.84 631.37 404.05 134.67 538.72 561.26 483.20 86.09 5548 4853 10401 4521 5 Nashik 784.53 392.27 354.58 746.85 95.2 392.27 392.27 1139.12 8 AHMEDNAGAR 0.00 477.81 159.27 637.08 408.45 136.14 544.59 544.59 488.17 89.64 1907 1188 3095 986 6 Dhule 822.21 411.11 100.24 511.35 62.19 511.35 9 PUNE 301.42 372.75 124.25 497.00 186.38 62.12 248.50 549.92 624.70 113.60 1903 1590 3493 768 7 Jalgaon 473.53 236.76 167.29 404.05 85.33 404.05 10 SATARA 69.79 224.12 74.71 298.82 112.06 37.35 149.41 219.20 309.22 141.07 2475 373 2848 915 8 AhmedNag 477.81 238.91 169.54 408.45 85.48 408.45 11 SANGLI 0.00 244.60 81.53 326.13 363.68 121.21 484.89 484.89 414.88 85.56 954 845 1799 318 9 Pune 372.75 186.38 0 186.38 50 186.38 12 SOLAPUR 22.75 379.03 126.34 505.38 568.55 189.50 758.05 780.80 818.26 104.80 1950 1472 3422 535 10 Satara 224.12 112.06 0 112.06 50 112.06 13 KOLHAPUR 0.74 251.31 83.77 335.08 376.97 125.64 502.61 503.35 423.59 84.15 2053 1745 3798 635 11 Sangali 244.6 122.3 119.08 241.38 98.68 122.3 122.3 363.68 14 AURANGABAD 61.74 312.25 104.08 416.33 385.89 128.62 514.51 576.25 481.36 83.53 2321 611 2932 1482 12 Solapur 379.03 189.52 189.51 379.03 100 189.52 189.52 568.55 15 JALNA 96.08 299.62 99.87 399.49 447.82 149.26 597.08 693.16 613.15 88.46 698 340 1038 284 13 Kolhapur 251.31 125.66 125.65 251.31 100 125.66 125.66 376.97 16 PARBHANI 23.45 531.76 177.25 709.01 791.19 263.70 1054.89 1078.34 689.94 63.98 2241 916 3157 1293 14 Aurangab 312.25 156.12 135.07 291.19 93.26 94.7 94.7 385.89 17 BEED 66.30 335.10 111.70 446.80 167.55 55.84 223.39 289.69 320.56 110.65 1208 678 1886 673 15 Jalna 299.62 149.81 148.2 298.01 99.46 149.81 149.81 447.82 18 NANDED 81.24 620.49 206.83 827.32 310.24 103.40 413.64 494.88 535.22 108.15 2335 1247 3582 867 16 Parbhani 531.76 265.88 259.43 525.31 98.79 265.88 265.88 791.19 19 OSMANABAD 59.38 291.06 97.02 388.08 433.89 144.62 578.51 637.89 424.22 66.50 647 492 1139 161 17 Beed 335.1 167.55 0 167.55 50 167.55 20 LATUR 44.83 409.47 136.49 545.97 614.21 204.72 818.93 863.76 799.20 92.53 1376 865 2241 410 18 Nanded 620.49 310.24 0 310.24 50 310.24 21 BULDANA 84.73 607.75 202.58 810.33 303.87 101.28 405.15 489.88 542.46 110.73 1338 2362 3700 503 19 Osmanaba 291.06 145.53 142.83 288.36 99.07 145.53 145.53 433.89 22 AKOLA 191.54 576.97 192.32 769.29 288.49 96.15 384.64 576.18 616.64 107.02 4478 3823 8301 2357 20 Latur 409.47 204.74 204.73 409.47 100 204.74 204.74 614.21 23 AMRAVATI 260.82 640.34 213.45 853.78 585 194.98 779.98 1040.80 978.23 93.99 5236 1408 6644 4312 21 Buldana 607.75 303.87 0 303.87 50 303.87 24 YAVATMAL 89.22 775.78 258.59 1034.38 1134.67 378.19 1512.86 1602.08 1030.39 64.32 2447 1189 3636 824 22 Akola 576.97 288.49 0 288.49 50 288.49 25 WARDHA 15.49 335.05 111.68 446.73 167.52 55.83 223.35 238.84 333.74 139.73 332 647 979 82 23 Amravati 640.34 320.17 264.83 585 91.36 0 585 26 NAGPUR 1.24 485.47 161.82 647.29 722.25 240.73 962.98 964.22 659.29 68.38 2682 1718 4400 1996 24 Yavatmal 775.78 387.89 358.89 746.78 96.26 387.89 387.89 1134.67 27 BHANDARA 93.04 582.81 194.27 777.08 865.18 288.36 1153.54 1246.58 962.32 77.20 1595 2139 3734 783 25 Wardha 335.05 167.52 0 167.52 50 167.52 28 CHANDRAPUR 7.72 580.88 193.63 774.51 865.24 288.38 1153.62 1161.34 582.84 50.19 1106 1416 2522 273 26 Nagpur 485.47 242.74 236.77 479.51 98.77 242.74 242.74 722.25 29 GADCHIROLI 85.96 479.72 159.91 639.63 370.38 123.45 493.83 579.79 488.02 84.17 2374 364 2738 1424 27 Bhandara 582.81 291.41 282.36 573.77 98.45 291.41 291.41 865.18
TOTAL 3049.7413911.49 4637.1618548.6513911.47 4636.6918244.2521293.9918748.46 88.05 68937 38347 107284 37822 28 Chanderp 580.88 290.44 284.36 574.8 98.95 290.44 290.44 865.24 29 Gadchiro 479.72 239.86 130.52 370.38 77.21 0 370.38 Total. 13911.47 6955.76 4052.8211008.58 2902.89 2902.89 13911.47