Question : Indiscriminate use of Plastics

(a) whether the Government has fixed any criteria for manufacturing and usage of non-degradable plastic;
(b) if so, the details thereof;
(c) whether indiscriminate use of plastic is one of the major causes of environmental degradation; and
(d) if so, the remedial steps proposed to be taken by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): The Ministry has notified the Plastic Waste Management (PWM) Rules, 2016, which specify responsibilities of State Governments and Union Territory administrations, local bodies, generators of waste, producers or brand owners in terms of implementation of provisions for extended producer responsibility, recyclers of plastic waste, street vendors and retailers. The Rules also regulate manufacturing, sale, distribution and use of carry bags made of plastics and plastic sheets or like or cover made of plastic sheet and multilayered packaging.

(c)&(d): The plastic waste when disposed off on soil and in landfill sites without adequate arrangements for collection and treatment has the potential of adversely affecting the soil, ground water and the surroundings. State Governments have been advised to ensure effective implementation of the PWM Rules, 2016. The Centre Pollution Control Board has issued directions to Municipal Commissioners and/or Executive Officers of 46 million-plus cities, 20 State Capitals, and 112 towns situated on the banks of river Ganga regarding closure of unauthorized plastic manufacturing industries, regulating thickness of plastic carry bags and setting-up of plastic waste management system as per the Rules. Steps for creating awareness regarding use and sell of plastic carry bags not less than ‘ 50 microns’ and other issues related to plastic waste management have also been taken.


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