(a) whether the Government have ordered the procuring agencies to procure crops from the cultivators;

(b) if so, when the order was issued and since when the procurement has started and at what price; and

(c) the names of procurement agencies and the quantity procured so far?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): Yes Sir. Major agricultural commodities are covered under the Minimum Support Price (MSP) scheme, which provides for market intervention by nodal public agencies, in case the market prices touch MSP.

Details of orders issued notifying procurement prices of various agricultural commodities are as follows:

S.No.	Name of	Variety MSP	Date of issue of order	Commodity	2001-02	(Rs.Per	qtl.)
1. Paddy Common 530 7-9-2001 Grade A 560 7-9-2001

2. Coarse Cereals (Jowar, Bajra, Ragi & Maize) 485 7-9-2001

3. Arhar 1320 7-9-2001

4. Moong 1320 7-9-2001

5. Urad 1320 7-9-2001 6. Cotton F-414/H-777/J-34 1675 7-9-2001 H-4 1875 7-9-2001

7 Groundnut-in-Shell 1340 7-9-2001

8. Sunflower Seed 1185 7-9-2001

9. Soyabean Black 795 7-9-2001 Yellow 885 7-9-2001 10. Sesamum 1400 7-9-2001 11. Nigerseed 1100 7-9-2001 12. Sugarcane 62.05 27-11-2001 13. Copra (Calender Year) Milling 3300 21-3-2001 Ball 3550 21-3-2001 14. Raw Jute TD-5 810 3-4-2001 15. Wheat 620 2-4-2002 16. Barley 500 2-4-2002 17. Gram 1200 2-4-2002 18. Rapeseed/Mustard 1300 2-4-2002 19. Safflower 1300 2-4-2002 20. Masur (Lentil) 1300 2-4-2002

(c): Public Nodal Agencies for market intervention for various crops are:

S. No.	Name of the Agricultural Commodity	Name of the Nodal Agency
1. Cereals Food Corporation of India

2. Pulses, Oilseeds & Copra National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing

3. Cotton Cotton Corporation of India Federation of India Ltd.

4. Jute Jute Corporation of India

As per latest information available, the following quantities for various Agricultural crops have been procured.
Commodity	Procurement (in lakh tonnes)	2001-02+
Rice 175.78 Wheat 206.30 Soyabean 0.03 Rapeseed/Mustard 3.30 Safflower seed 0.03 Sunflower seed Groundnut 1.63 Copra 0.54 Coarse grains 2.76 Cotton Lint (bales of 170 kgs each) 8.44 Raw Jute (bales of 180 kgs each) 2.45