Question : Financial Assistance to EMRS

(a) the details of financial assistance given to the Eklavya Model Residential School (EMRS) in the country during the last three years, district-wise;
(b) whether it is a fact that there is only one EMRS in Assam, which is located at Bakasa district;
(c) whether the Government has received any proposal for setting up EMRS at each place having huge population of the tribals and if not, whether the Government has any proposal in this regard;
(d) whether it is true that the EMRS at Bakasa district in Assam has not got any assistance from the Government and even the money for the food meant for the children is not reaching there; and
(e) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister

(a) The Ministry of Tribal Affairs provides financial assistance to the State Governments for setting up and running of Eklavya Model Residential Schools (EMRSs). A statement showing financial assistance given to various State Governments in the country for EMRSs during the last three years is attached at Annexure. The Ministry does not provide financial assistance directly to the districts.
(b) So far, Ministry has sanctioned five EMRSs in Assam at (i) Barama (Baksa), (ii) Bajali (Barpeta), (iii) Chapar (Kokrajhar), (iv) Diphu (KarbiAnalong), and (v) Haflong (Dima Hasao). However, no EMRS is presently reported functional by the State Government.
(c) Government has decided to set up EMRS in every block having 50% or more ST population and at least 20,000 or more tribal persons by the year 2022. A total number of 462 suchblocks/ sub-districts without an EMRS have been identified in the country, out of which 150 schools have already been sanctioned during 2018-19 and 2019-20.The remaining 312 blocks are to be covered by 2022.
(d) & (e) As reported by the Government of Assam, presently there is nofunctional EMRS at Baksain Assam.


Annexure as referred to in reply to part (a) of Lok Sabha Unstarred Qs No.†3297 for 09.12.2019
Statement showing fund released to the States across the country for EMRSs for the last three years
(Rs. in Lakh)
S.N. States 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Total Release EMRS Total Release EMRS Total Release EMRS
1 Andhra Pradesh 680.40 3791.11 1994.00
2 Arunachal Pradesh 698.93 4550.80 683.60
3 Assam 200.00 0.00 736.00
4 Bihar 1000.00 900.00 0.00
5 Chhattisgarh 6431.47 5999.00 6886.25
7 Gujarat 4552.26 6580.78 7963.78
8 Himachal Pradesh 88.20 688.02 1275.15
9 Jammu & Kashmir 1955.19 800.00 2634.68
10 Jharkhand 5332.61 4026.00 5668.08
11 Karnataka 999.60 896.38 1780.59
12 Kerala 221.76 644.02 769.00
13 Madhya Pradesh 5770.92 7007.28 7087.06
14 Maharashtra 5112.00 5938.40 4331.35
15 Manipur 1619.40 1141.40 1841.55
16 Meghalaya 200.00 0.00 2105.15
17 Mizoram 168.00 1554.78 2629.16
18 Nagaland 583.96 1897.60 1174.54
19 Odisha 4942.80 7242.80 4314.80
20 Rajasthan 2433.80 2970.00 4162.25
21 Sikkim 905.00 416.50 662.12
22 Tamil Nadu 798.00 1420.80 1218.40
23 Telangana 1344.00 4394.57 3541.83
24 Tripura 1165.80 1969.50 1555.20
25 Uttar Pradesh 689.00 952.00 1145.45
26 Uttarakhand 0.00 1687.06 902.80
27 West Bengal 1049.16 1049.16 3767.13
Total 48942.26 68517.96 70829.92

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