(a) the norms and rules governing the utilization of funds allocated to Panchayati Raj Institutions under different schemes;

(b) whether the funds allocated for PRI to the States/ UTs including Assam under different schemes have been utilized fully by them, if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor;

(c) the action taken by the Union Government to ensure full utilization of funds allocated under Panchayati Raj schemes;

(d) whether the Government is considering any enhancement in the allocation of funds to States under the schemes; and

(e) if so, the details thereof, State-wise and scheme-wise ?

Answer given by the minister


(a) The Ministry of Panchayati Raj has two major schemes, the Rajiv Gandhi Panchayat Sashakti- karan Abhiyan (RGPSA) and Backward Regions Grant Fund (BRGF). Under RGPSA, grants-in-aid is provided to State Governments on the basis of approved State Plans to strengthen Panchayats. Under the District Component of the BRGF Programme, untied grants are released to State Governments for Panchayats for the development of basic infrastructure in the backward districts/ regions. For availing grants from BRGF, plans have to be prepared by Panchayats and consolidated by the District Planning Committees. Under the Capacity Building Grants of BRGF, funds are provided to State Governments for capacity building of Panchayats. Utilization certificates, progress reports and audit reports are required under both the schemes for the grants availed earlier.

(b)&(c) Since the inception of the BRGF Programme, an amount of Rs.27620.35 crore has been released to the State Governments including Assam and the States have reported utilization of Rs.22908.43 crore. To ensure full utilization of budgetary allocations, MoPR regularly follows up with the State Governments for early submission of district plans along with the requisite documents. Review meetings and video conferences with the State/ district level officials and visits by the officials of the Ministry to the States are undertaken for ensuring timely utilization of funds. The State Governments are required to transfer the funds released by the MoPR to the Implementing Entities within 15 days falling which a penal interest becomes payable. To facilitate that the funds get transferred to the State Governments, the sanctions are uploaded on the website of the Ministry.

(d) No, Sir.

(e) Does not arise.