Question : Shortage of Pilots

(a) whether the Government has any data regarding number of registered pilots in the country and if so, the details of pilots registered in the country during the last five years, year-wise;

(b) whether the country is facing shortage of pilots and if so, the details thereof; and

(c) whether the Government is using the services of pilots from outside the country and if so, the details of foreign pilots registered in the country during the last five years, country and year-wise?

Answer given by the minister

The Minister of State (IC) in the Ministry of CIVIL AVIATION
(Shri Hardeep Singh Puri)

(a) The year-wise details of the Commercial Pilot Licenses (CPL) issued by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) in the country during the last five years are given below:;

Year CPL issued as on 31st ;
December of the year;
2015 15334;
2016 15792;
2017 16385;
2018 17044;
2019 17839;

(b) & (c) There is shortage of type rated Pilot-In-Command/Commanders in the country. To cover the shortage of type rated Pilot-In-Command/Commanders, validation of foreign license is done by the DGCA under the provisions contained in Rule 45 of Aircraft Rules, 1937 and procedures laid down in Civil Aviation Requirements (CAR) Section 7, Series G Part II. The provisions of Foreign Aircrew Temporary Authorization (FATA) is as per policy decision taken by this Ministry from time to time depending upon the demand of industry. Presently, as per the decision taken by this Ministry, the provision of FATA is upto 31st December 2020. Country-wise details of foreign pilots holding foreign licenses who have been issued FATA by DGCA during 2016 to 2019 is at Annexure. The data prior to the year 2016 has been weeded out by DGCA.;

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