Question : Loss Making PSEs

(a) the details and number of Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) which are utilising their full capacity and are earning profits from 2016 to 2020;

(b) the details and number of PSEs incurring losses and details of cumulative loss during the last five years;

(c) whether there is a proposal to revive such loss incurring PSEs;

(d) the details and names of PSEs which are likely to be disinvested and the details of total amount earned from such disinvestment; and

(e) the total number of employees working in loss incurring PSEs?

Answer given by the minister


(a) The Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) function under different sectors having varied working conditions and are governed by sectoral rules, regulations and statutes. The capacity utilisation of CPSEs depends on the installed capacity, targeted production and availability of resources. The number of profit making CPSEs during the period 2016-17 to 2019-20 is given below:
Year No. of Profit making CPSEs
2016-17 175
2017-18 183
2018-19 179
2019-20 171

(b) The number of loss making CPSEs were 79 in 2015-16, 81 in 2016-17; 72 in 2017-18; 69 in 2018-19 and 84 in 2019-20. Out of these, 30 CPSEs were incurring losses continuously with cumulative loss of Rs 1,06,879 Crores.

(c) CPSEs function under the administrative control of concerned Ministries/Department. All matters relating to CPSEs including revival/ restructuring of CPSEs are decided by the concerned administrative Ministry/ Department on a case to case basis as per the extant guidelines.

(d) Department of Investment and Public Asset Management (DIPAM), the nodal Department for disinvestment has informed that “Disinvestment in Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) is undertaken as per the extant disinvestment policy of the Government for ‘minority stake sale’ and ‘strategic disinvestment’.

Strategic Disinvestment implies sale of substantial shareholding of a PSE and/or Subsidiaries/ Units/ Joint Ventures of PSEs along with transfer of management control. The Government has ‘in-principle’ approved strategic disinvestment of 35 PSEs and/or Subsidiaries/ Units/ Joint Ventures of PSEs with sale of majority stake and transfer of management control; list of which is annexed.

In certain other PSEs, policy of minority stake sale without transfer of management control through various SEBI-approved methods, is being followed in order to unlock the value, promote public ownership and higher degree of accountability.

Transaction receipts on successful conclusion of disinvestment transactions depend on the prevailing markets conditions and investors’ interest.”

(e) The total number of employees working in loss making CPSEs as on 31.03.2020 was 2,26,814.

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