(a) the details of taxes due to be collected and that actually collected during each of the last three years;

(b) whether only eight per cent amount out of said payable amount has been collected during the same time;

(c) if not, the actuai position thereof and the details of amount received out of total payable amount during the last three years, year-wise;

(d) the details of amount waived off out of the outstanding amount during the last three years,year-wise; and

(e) the reasons for the waiver?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c): The details of Direct Taxes due to be collected as outstanding arrears and cash collection made during each of last three years are given below:-

(Rs. In crore)
F.Y.	Direct Taxes due to be collected	Arrear Demand	Current demand	Outstanding	Cash	%	Total	Cash	%	amount	Collection	Collection	amount	Collection	Collection	as on 1st	made	raised	made	April
2007-08 120662 9071 7.51 71669 19659 27.43
2008-09 130733 10016 7.66 147411 21226 14.40
2009-10 213646 11939 5.58 103759 24300 23.40

(d) & (e) Data regarding amount waived out of outstanding amount is not maintained centrally. However, amount of tax reduced (excluding cash collection and reduction due to appeal effect/ rectification) due to several reasons such as reduction due to the effect of orders of Income Tax Settlement Commission, orders passed by the Chief Commissioner of Income Tax/ Commissioner of Income Tax under various provisions of the Income-tax Act.1961 etc. during the last three years is as under:-
(Rs. in crore)
F.Y.	Amount reduced out of	total outstanding amount.
2007-08 3658
2008-09 4861
2009-10 3538

Information pertaining to indirect taxes with regard to reply to parts (a) to (e) of the Question is being collected and will be laid on the Table of the House.