Question : Child Trafficking

(a) whether incidents of child trafficking is on the rise in the country and if so, the details of the measures taken by the Government to check it;

(b) the action taken by the Government against the gangs involved in making the children beg or sell some articles at road crossings in the cities;

(c) the number and other details of such cases which have come to light during each of the last three years;

(d) the number of child labourers rescued from different companies during the years 2014 to 2019 and the steps taken for their rehabilitation;

(e) the measures taken to enroll the children who were found begging or selling articles on the roads in schools; and

(f) the number of officers against whom action has been taken for their failure in checking child labour, State-wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) compiles data on human trafficking reported to it by States and Union Territories (UTs) and publishes the same in its annual publication ‘Crime in India’. The latest

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published report is of the year 2018. The figures of child trafficking reported to NCRB by the States and UTs do not indicate any such trend.

‘Police’ and ‘Public Order’ are ‘State’ subjects under the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India. Prevention and combating the crime of human trafficking is the responsibility of respective State Governments, who are competent to deal with the same under the extant provisions of law. However, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) supplements the efforts of State Governments by taking various initiatives and measures. MHA has provided financial assistance to States for setting up 332 Anti Human Trafficking Units in various districts of States. MHA provides financial assistance to States and UTs to hold ‘Judicial Colloquiums’ and ‘State level conferences’ to bring awareness about issues relating to trafficking and to provide information on various provisions of law to the judicial officers, police officials and other stakeholders. MHA has also issued various advisories to States and UTs from time to time on preventing and combating the crime of human trafficking. These advisories are available at MHA’s website Through the National Investigation Agency (Amendment) Act, 2019, the Schedule of NIA Act, 2008 was amended and National Investigation Agency has been empowered to investigate cases committed under Sections 370 and 370A of Indian Penal

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Code relating to Human Trafficking. The Government has also approved financial assistance to States and UTs for setting up/strengthening Anti Human Trafficking Units (AHTUs) by States and UTs in all Districts at a cost of Rs.100 crore under Nirbhaya Fund.

(c): Data, in the manner desired, is not reported to/ maintained by NCRB.

(d): Specific information on the number of child labourers rescued from different companies is not reported to/ maintained by NCRB. However, in 2017, 1365 children were reported to be rescued from forced labour and 593 children were rescued in 2018. Similarly, 31 children were reported to be rescued from begging in 2017 and 18 children were rescued in 2018. NCRB has started collecting this data from the year 2017.

(e): The Ministry of Labour & Employment has informed that they implement the National Child Labour Project (NCLP) Scheme for rehabilitation of child labourers. Under the NCLP, children in the age group of 9 to 14 years are rescued/ withdrawn from work and are enrolled in NCLP Special Training Centres where they are provided bridge education, vocational training, mid-day meal, stipend, health care, etc. before being mainstreamed into formal education system. Children in the age group of 5 to 8 years are directly linked to formal education system.

(f): This data is not maintained by NCRB.

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