Question : Delay in Immigration Clearances at International Airports

(a) whether the immigration clearance at international airports in the country is causing inordinate delays involving waiting of passengers coming from abroad, for even two to three hours and if so, the details thereof;

(b) whether it is a fact that the delays are caused by acute shortage of staff as well as insufficient number of counters and if so, the details thereof; and

(c) the action proposed to be taken by the Government to improve the situation for ensuring quick immigration clearances?

Answer given by the minister

(a): Immigration clearance is a national security function and is carried out as per norms and procedures. Immigration clearance process primarily includes (i) physical scrutiny of travel documents, (ii) scanning and reading of passport, visa through passport reading machine, (iii) validating details of visa in case of foreigners and passports in case of Indians from IVFRT database, (iv) checking of negative list, (v) questioning as per the alerts displayed and (vi) capturing/authentication of biometrics of foreigners. Usually immigration clearance is granted in time without delay. However on some occasions when large number of international flights get bunched

L.S.US.Q.NO. 382 FOR 19.07.2022
together within a narrow time frame, the sudden rush of passengers leads to some delay.
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) norms prescribe 60 (sixty) minutes for the entire process for the outgoing passengers and specifies 45 (forty five) minutes for entire process for the incoming passengers in normal times.
(b): Does not arise.
(c): Bureau of Immigration takes minimum possible time for immigration clearance of outgoing and incoming passengers without compromising national security with the help of technical solutions.


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