Question : Irrigation Facilities

(a) the details of different modes of water sources/resources being used for watering/irrigating agricultural land in the country;
(b) whether the Government has decided to provide irrigation facility to all the farmers and formulated any national level irrigation policy/scheme to provide such facilities including water for irrigation of every agricultural field in the country;
(c) if so, the details thereof and the quantum of funds allocated/released/utilised there under during the last three years and the extent of agricultural land irrigated/likely to be irrigated under the same, State/UT wise;
(d) the projection of storage capacity of all water bodies viz. canals, ponds, wells etc. increased/to be increased as a result of the same; and
(e) the further steps to be taken to enhance irrigation facilities for farmers?

Answer given by the minister

(a) The different modes of water sources/resources being used for watering/irrigating agricultural land in the country are surface water (through Canals, Ponds and Lakes etc.), ground water (through Tube well etc.) and rainwater.

(b), (c) & (e) The Govt. had launched the Accelerated Irrigation Benefits Programme (AIBP) in 1996 with a view to complete MMI irrigation projects which are in advanced stage of completion. Financial Assistance is also provided to surface Minor Irrigation (SMI) schemes,Command Area Development (CAD) works and Repair, Renovation and Restoration (RRR) of water bodies.

During 2015-16, Central Government launched the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) to improve access to Irrigation and mitigate risk of farmers by providing assured irrigation. The above schemes are now part of PMKSY scheme.

Further IWMP programme of Ministry of Rural Development and Micro Irrigation programme of Ministry of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers welfare are also part of PMKSY.

The funds provided to State Govt. under AIBP, RRR of water bodies, SMI and CAD and by Ministry of Rural Development under IWMP & Ministry of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers welfare under Micro Irrigation and other Schemes during the last three year is enclosed as Annexure-I.

The PMKSY scheme under its various components envisages to enhance the irrigation facilities in an area of 28.5 lakh Ha. from 2015-16 to 2019-20.

(d) RRR of Water Bodies included in 12th plan targets for restoration of 143.643 Mcum. storage.


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