(a) the total number of habitations in Bihar not included in National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP);

(b) whether the Government has conducted any survey regarding the funds required for Bihar for ensuring the supply of safe drinking water or received any assessment from State Government of Bihar in this regard; (

(c)if so, the details thereof;

(d) whether the State Government of Bihar could not utilize the total amount of funds allocated to it for the projects pertaining to drinking water and sanitation during the last three years; and

(e) if so, the details of the amount of funds sanctioned, released and utilized during each of the last three years indicating the reasons and reaction of the Government thereto?

Answer given by the minister


a) All rural habitations of Bihar are included in the National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP).

b) No. Sir. Under the National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP) funds are allocated to States as per approved criteria. Rural population is one of the criteria for allocation of funds to States under National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP). Under NRDWP guidelines the criteria for fund allocation to the States is as follows: 40% weightage is given to total rural population of the State, 10% weightage to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe rural population of the State, 40% weightage is given to Rural areas under Desert Development Programme, Drought Prone Areas Programme, Hill Area Development Programme and Special category Hill States in the States and 10% weightage is for Rural population managing rural drinking water supply schemes weighted by Management Devolution Index.We have not received any assessment from the State Government of Bihar.

c) Does not arise.

d) Yes Sir.

e) The details of expenditure of Bihar for the last three years are as follows.

Amount in Crore
Year	Opening	Allocation	Release	Expenditure	Percentage of	Balance	Expenditure
2010-11	578.10	341.46	170.73	425.91	56.88
2011-12	322.92	374.98	330.02	367.30	56.25
2012-13	285.65	484.24	224.30	293.09	57.47

The reasons for State not being able to spend the amounts released to them may be attributed to delays in procurement processes, taking up multi-village schemes that require 2-3 years for completion, imposition of model conduct code due to declaration of elections/bye elections etc.

The Ministry has decided that in the year 2013-14, the full first installment of NRDWP allocation to the State shall be released only after the State utilizes the excess unspent balance as on 01.04.2013. The Ministry has also been writing to the States including Bihar, to expedite the expenditure of the unspent balances available with them under the programme. The Ministry monitors the progress of implementation of NRDWP through the financial reports provided by the States on the online IMIS. The Ministry also monitors the proper utilization of funds by reviewing the programme periodically by conducting conferences of the State Secretaries in charge of rural water supply, regional review meetings, video conferences etc. Senior officers/Programme officers / Technical officers of the Ministry visit the States to see the progress of implementation of the programme.

Details of funds released is Bihar, the funds utilized by the state and the un-spent balance with the state, under the Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan (NBA), during last three years is as under:
Rs. In lakh
Yea	Opening	Release	Tota	Exp.	% Utilization	Unspent	Balance	during	Available	During	against	Balance	year	Funds	year	available	fund
2010-11	9373.95	11259.76	20633.71	12421.48	60.20	8212.22
2011-12	8212.23	17219.09	25431.32	16761.44	65.91	8669.88
2012-13	8669.88	47814.55	56484.43	22012.58	38.97	34471.85

The reasons for high unspent balance are:

# Slow progress in implementation due to changes in the Guidelines for the rural sanitation programme, bringing about convergence with MGNREGS for additional assistance.

# Low demand in rural areas.

# Inadequate capacity building at grass root levels.

# Lack of institutional structure.

# Existence of revolving fund which remains with the State as balance.