(a) There were 1,55,669 Post Offices in the country as on
(b)&(c) Post Offices are opened on the basis of distance,
population and income norms and subject to availability of
resources. Details are given in Annexure-I
(d) An amount of Rs. 323395.28 crores has been deposited in
various types of the Savings Schemes of Post Office Savings Bank
during the year 2003-04. Circle-wise details are given in
Annexure-II. Data for the year 2004-05 is not yet available.
(e) The Department does not maintain data of Postal Savings Bank
for urban and rural areas separately.
(f) & (g) Yes Sir. 1356 posts of Postmen have been ordered to be
abolished based on the recommendations of the Screening Committee
in compliance with Governmentâs directive to abolish 2% posts
under direct recruitment quota.
1. Norms for opening Extra Departmental Branch Post Offices:
1.1 Population:
(a) In Normal Areas:
3000 population in a group of villages (including the PPO village).
(b) In Hilly, Tribal, Desert and Inaccessible Areas:
500 population in an individual village or 1000 population
in a group of villages.
1.2 Distance:
(a) In Normal Areas:
The minimum distance from the nearest existing post office will be 3 Kms.
(b) In Hilly, Tribal, Desert and Inaccessible Areas:
The distance limit will be the same as above except that in
Hilly Areas, the minimum distance limit can be relaxed by the
Directorate in cases where such relaxation is warranted by
special circumstances which should be clearly explained while
submitting a proposal.
1.3 Anticipated income:
(a) In Normal Areas:
The minimum anticipated revenue will be 331/3% of the cost.
(b) In Hilly, Tribal, Desert and Inaccessible Areas:
The minimum anticipated income will be 15% of the cost.
It is further to be ensured that as a result of opening of
new post office, the loss in respect of parent post office does
not increase beyond the permissible limit nor is its income
reduced below the minimum prescribed.
2. Criteria for upgrading/opening Departmental Sub PostOffices:
(a) In Rural Areas:
The Minimum work load of the Extra Departmental Branch Post
Office, proposed to be upgraded, should be five hours per day.
The permissible limit of annual loss is Rs. 2400/- in Normal
Rural areas and Rs. 4800/- in Tribal and Hilly areas.
It is further to be ensured that as a result of the opening
of a new post office, the loss in respect of the parent post
office does not increase beyond the permissible limit nor is its
income reduced below the minimum prescribed.
(b) In Urban Areas:
In Urban areas, the post office should initially be self-
supporting, and, at the time of the first annual review, it
should show a 5% profit to be eligible for further retention.
The minimum distance between two post offices should be 1.5
Kms. in cities with a population of 20 lakhs and above, and 2
Kms, in other Urban Areas. No two delivery offices, however,
should be closer than 5 Kms. from each other.
Heads of Circles have powers to relax the distance condition
in 10% of the cases.
A Delivery Post Office in Urban Area should have a minimum
of 7 Postmenâs beats.
Annexure- II
(Rs. in Crores)
Circle S.B. R.D. T.D. F.D. C.T.D. P.P.F. M.I.S. N.S.S.87 N.S.S.92 K.V.P.
Andhra Pradesh 624.13 2781.32 592.80 -0.03 0.29 340.15 6857.54 160.58 29.23 5444.26
Assam 360.72 457.03 1900.98 0.00 -14.02 174.01 793.50 15.42 0.48 1866.26
Bihar 1027.38 751.52 1614.49 -0.06 -43.18 313.43 2472.48 -8.76 85.32 9250.73
Chhattisgarh 122.40 446.42 242.86 0.00 -0.81 99.65 1153.32 -8.34 -1.48 830.25
Delhi 449.10 999.62 933.68 -1.23 -1.39 1806.90 6675.01 184.80 62.93 4485.65
Gujarat 860.31 2114.8 1770.78 -0.121 4.31 1793.0 11552.65 700.446 -64.98 12272.21
Haryana 362.46 1283.65 1052.57 0.00 0.48 376.44 2591.06 10.85 -0.56 3525.70
Himachal Pr. 248.41 712.95 411.47 0.00 0.52 68.39 583.04 11.35 0.90 1452.15
J & K 153.99 204.13 360.79 0.00 0.49 38.38 332.39 3.92 15.71 1851.40
Jharkhand 63.42 84.14 193.09 0.00 1.58 113.87 1574.98 -4.37 -0.86 1136.02
Karnataka 539.52 1809.22 309.82 0.03 1.29 474.42 5911.84 126.82 146.97 3393.75
Kerala 301.47 2016.11 926.70 0.01 -0.49 105.49 2665.12 61.24 10.57 1435.37
Madhya Pradesh 571.64 1386.72 402.10 -0.02 5.71 278.21 2688.28 -25.68 -1.14 3898.65
Maharashtra 1001.79 4215.32 917.64 0.01 0.63 1788.00 15455.47 1477.80 64.71 8939.59
North-East 208.41 329.85 113.79 0.01 14.36 31.51 432.78 6.69 4.43 838.54
Orissa 429.44 567.44 181.23 0.09 0.00 59.67 1492.29 26.71 -0.82 2677.38
Punjab 749.37 1627.62 2565.13 0.00 -0.27 980.56 4443.46 127.82 80.83 7201.19
Rajasthan 471.55 3975.97 3299.75 0.01 1.14 1237.78 5418.99 150.75 34.81 4942.07
Tamilnadu 851.93 2074.72 730.73 -0.01 -0.83 691.13 6982.68 260.73 69.17 4150.23
Uttar Pradesh 2291.81 3933.90 2109.96 -1.87 -4.43 846.54 7114.38 92.55 188.44 22792.28
Uttaranchal 97.66 267.55 277.64 0.00 -0.02 42.74 710.29 5.25 -1.25 368.60
West Bengal 1540.21 1802.41 1938.91 222.78 5.79 590.73 25433.55 31.57 -0.50 19426.61
Base 40.21 121.01 1219.26 0.00 0.04 14.67 50.93 2.39 2.34 12.31
TOTAL 13367.33 33963.50 24066.11 19.60 -28.81 12265.72 113386.04 3410.53 725.25 122191.20