(a) Yes, Sir. Location specific technology generation and its periodic upgradation in light of changing scenario is a continuous process in the ICAR system.
(b) The ICAR has divided the country into 20 agro-climatic zones and 60 sub zones for agricultural research and planning. For each zone profitable, sustainable and eco-friendly crops, cropping systems, fruits varieties, animal breeds, farm implements and cultural practices have been developed. The zone wise details of new technologies and practices are given in Annexure I.
(c) The location specific technologies developed are disseminated through the All India Coordinated Research Projects in different zones through on-farm participatory research, frontline demonstrations, Institute Village Link Programmes and Krishi Vigyan Kendras. Some of the technologies are also being commercialized in collaboration with industries.
Annexure - I
Sl. No. Name of the technology States / districts / agro-climatic zones where it is applicable
Rainfed Rice Based Production System
1. Sequence cropping of vegetables, Chhattisgarh, M.P and Orissa pulses and oilseeds in rice fallows
2. Intercropping of upland rice + Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and pigeonpea (5:2)Orissa
3. Pigeonpea + groundnut intercropping Jharkhand and Orissa system (2:6)
4. Rainwater harvesting and recycling Chhattisgarh, Orissa and through dabris (5:2)Orissa
5. Utilisation of excess rainwater in Dhenkanel and Mayurbhunj medium and low lands for second crop districts of Orissa and fish culture
6. Mango + upland rice agri horticultural Koraput and Jagdalpur system districts and also Ranchi and Palmau districts of Jharkhand
7. Mango + ginger/turmeric agri Koraput and Phulbani horticultural system district of Orissa
8. Rice-fish-duck/pig farming system Ranchi district of Jharkhand and Midnapore district of West Bengal
9. Improved upland rice varieties for Varieties like Vandana with aberrant weather greater adaptability to uplands provides stability of yield during drought in Orissa
10. Integrated nutrient management Orissa and Jharkhand with incorporation of legume intercrop in rainfed rice
11. Management of parasitic diseases Orissa and Chhattisgarh (nematodes and trematodes) in buffaloes
12. Use of bullock drawn puddler 99 Orissa and Chhattisgarh for improved yield of rainfed rice in low lands
13. Integrated weed management in upland rice Jharkhand and U.P.
14. Integrated pest management in rainfed rice Assam, Manipur, Orissa and West Bengal
15. Improved biasi method of cultivation Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand
16. Storage of paddy in RCC ring bin Assam, Manipur and Orissa
17. Inter row crop seeder for rice and Orissa and Assam green manure crop
18. Sprouted rice seeder Orissa and Chhattisgarh
Oilseeds Based Production System
19. Cultivation of non spiny varieties Maharashtra and Karnataka of safflower
20. Use of safflower (multicrop) harvester Karnataka and Maharashtra
21. Improved technology for storing soybean M.P. seeds to increase viability
22. Improved technology for production of Assam and Manipur eri silkworm
23. Feeding of livestock with sunflower All sunflower growing head based complete feed states
24. IPM modules for sunflower, safflower, mustard and groundnutSunflower, Safflower, mustard and groundnut growing states
25. INM in oilseed based cropping systems All oilseed growing areas
26. In situ moisture conservation Drought prone districts of India technology in castor and groundnut
27. Production technology for castor, A.P., Maharashtra, Gujarat and groundnut, safflower and linseed forU.P. saline and sodic soils
28. Integrated management of groundnut A.P stem necrosis
Pulses Based Production System
29. Liquid Rhizobium inoculant for pulses Pulse growing states of India
30. Non pesticidal control of soil nematodes U.P.
31. Management of MYMV in mung bean Orissa, A.P. and Tamilnadu and urd bean
32. Use of improved mini dal mill Pigeon pea growing states
33. Pitfall trap for monitoring and Pulse growing states control of pulse beetle
34. Integrated crop management technology Pigeonpea growing states for pigeonpea based intercropping systems
35. Bio intensive IPM modules for Pigeonpea and chickpea pigeonpea and chickpea growing states
Cotton Based Production System
36. Rainwater management in cotton on Maharashtra, Karnataka toposequences in a watershed and A.P.
37. Improved arboreum varieties of cotton A.P., Karnataka and Maharashtra
Nutritious Cereals Based Production System
38. Establishment and management of Can be adopted in all states live fences around the crop fields
39. Integrated management of blast Karnataka disease in fingermillet
40. Fingermillet based intercropping A.P., Karnataka and Tamilnadu systems with legumes for improved returns
41. Cultivation of dual purpose sorghum Applicable in all Sorghum variety CSV-15 growing states
42. Improved production technology for Maharashtra and Karnataka rabi sorghum
43. Rain water management technology in H.P. Rajasthan and Gujarat maize based cropping system
44. Establishment of improved silvi Arid areas pasture systems for small ruminants
45. Moisture conservation and nutrient Semi arid and arid pearlmilelt management technology for pearlmillet growing districts
46. Feeding of poultry with substitute Applicable in all states rations to reduce the cost of production
47. Technology of physiological harvesting Maharashtra and A.P. and grain drying in kharif sorghum
48. Cultivation of high yielding sweet A.P., Karnataka, Maharashtra sorghum genotypes and Tamil Nadu
49. Preparation of value added products All relevant states like syrup, jaggery and cake from sweet sorghum